History of Otsego County
Otsego County was taken from Montgomery in 1791. Centrally distant from New York city NY. 200, and from Albany W. 66 miles. Its form is very irregular. Greatest length N. and S. about 40; greatest breadth E. and W. 35 miles. This county is considerably elevated, though there are no distinct ranges of mountains of much height. A larger portion of the soil of the county is rich and productive. A large amount of capital is invested in agriculture and manufactures. The Susquehannah river, rising in the Otsego lake, flows southerly to the bounds of the county; then turning southwesterly, forms a part of the southern boundary. The Unadilla bounds the county on the west. Otsego lake, 9 miles long and from 1 to 3 wide, and Schuyler's lake, 5 miles long and from 1 to 2 wide, are beautiful sheets of water. The hills which encompass Otsego lake, have an elevation of from 400 to 500 feet above its surface. The purity of its waters, and the rich and varied scenery about it, render it attractive to the lovers of natural scenery. Portions of this county were settled as early as 1739. The mass of the settlers were emigrants from the eastern states. The county is divided into 22 towns. (Historical Collections of the State of New York, Past and Present, John Barber, Clark Albien & Co. 1851)