16 - Statistics of Trade and Manufacture - Sketches of the Village of Albion
Artist.- S. S. Harding, Portrait Painter.
Book Stores.- Nichoson & Paine, H. W. Lewis, C. P. Hazard.
Book Binder. - H. W. Lewis.
Banks. - Bank of Orleans, Bank of Albion.
Barbers. - Wm. R. White, Stephen Dickers. No. of hands, 4.
Bakers. - Andrew Wall, Wm. Lowery.
Butchers. - Warner & Flint, Blott & M'Neven, North & Herdson. No. of hands employed, 12.
Blacksmiths. - Joseph Bordwell, Isaac U. Sears, Henry Sear, W. Monduback, Hiram Curtis. No. of hands employed, 13.
Boot and Shoe-makers.- G. Close & Co., H. Hall, D. Philips, A. J. Grover. Hands employed, 27.
Carriage-makers. - H. Sears, I. U. Sears, N. F. Smith, John Hubbard, H. Lauflin, John Sanderson.
Cartmen. - Ed. Baker, John E. Shere, T. Shere.
Cement Roof-maker. - W. J. Wood.
Crockery Store. - George W. Ough.
Coopers. - S. Webster, John Proctor.
Chain Pumps. - Nicholas Lake.
Cabinet-makers - G. M. Pullman & Co., Russel Potter, W. Strickland. Connected with the establishment of G. M. Pullman & Co., is a building supplied with Machinery driven by a steam Engine, for all sorts of wood turning, sawing, and planing.
Coal Yard.-E. Wilbur & Son.
Collector of Tolls on the Canal. - Harry Gould.
Dry Goods Merchants. - Joslyn & Abeel, Palmer & Beckwith, E. T. Coann & Co., Wm. H. Webb, Geo. H. Sickels, L. M. Bennett, Collins, Larrabee & Haven, Hall & Roraback.
Druggists. - Nichoson & Paine, Lewis & Co., E.T. Coann & Co.
Dentists. - S. P. Briggs, A. G. Fellows.
Daguerreotypers. - Geo. M. Harvey, B. C. Baker.
Express Agents. - Nichoson & Paine, Agents for the American Express Co.
Flouring Mills. - Wm. H. Webb, Mill on Liberty St., 2 runs of stones. Aruna Smith, steam and water power Mill, on Sandy Creek, 3 runs of stones.
Grocers. - Gere & Proctor, Andrew Wall, Samuel Whitcomb, Lewis & Freame, James Hunt, James Daly, H. C. Woolford, Wm. J. Hannington, Joseph Woolford, M. D. & N. Seely, Marcena L. Fuller, Bullock, Charles Auringer, P. Phillips, W. S. Hodgeman.
Gunsmiths. - R. Abbey, L. Bassanet.
Hardivare Stores. - Royce & Morehouse, Hallenbake & Wood.
Hatters. - Hiram Sickels, S. M'Connell, Henry Miller.
Hotels. - The Platt House, corner of Canal and Market Streets, by E. Platt; the Mansion House, Batavia Street, north of Canal, by Fassett & Newton; Albion Hotel, Clinton St, near Depot, by Spencer & Osborne.
These houses are all nearly new, and are kept in the first style of village public houses, where guests can at all times enjoy the comforts of "mine inn."
Harness-makers. - G. W. Hotchkin, William Roberts, T. Close. No. hands employed, 9.
Joiners and Carpenters. - W. V. N. Barlow, Charles Baker, B. Benedict, N. E. Harvey, Geo. Cox, P. Phillips, L. King, Geo. Foreman, J. Backus, A. S. Tibbits, J. Green, S. A. Hill, J. Rich, T. Hyde, A. H. Hyde, J. Wing, Jona. Gaskill, M. Pinney, J. W. English, G. Wood, D. Ray, S. Gaskill, Gould, R. Cole, B. Whitmarsh, J. Reynolds, B. Abbot, J. Loveland, M. Clelaud, J. Barnes, S. Burgess, E. Burgess, H. Holmes, C. French, Isaac Town, I. J. Stiles.
Justices of the Peace. - J. H. White, J. G. Sawyer.
Iron Founders. - King & Root, Bedell, Berrv & Co., Hiram Curtis. Mr, Curtis is mainly engaged in manufacturing Plows, and Cultivators, turning out more than 1000 Plows annually, of a variety of patterns. He also executes all kinds of Iron Castings, and employs about 22 hands. King & Root, and Bedell, Berry & Co., employ their Furnaces almost exclusively in Stove making.
During the past year. Bedell, Berry &Co., have melted 300 tons of Iron, and have employed in their stove, and stove trimming manufacture, an average number of 20 men. Their sales of Stoves for the year have been to the amount of $30,000.
King & Root, for several years, have melted about 450 tons of Iron annually. This has been principally cast into Cooking Stoves, though they are ready to do such other iron casting as may be required, and have hitherto done such general casting, to the amount of $5000 or $6000 yearly. They manufacture about 2500 Cooking Stoves annually, and employ the werage number of 28 hands in their shops.
Stoves made at these Furnaces are retailed by pedlars through the adjoining country, and many are shipped to other parts of this and other States. The vending of these stoves is a large business, and employs many hands and teams.
Insurance Agents. - H. A. King, E. Hart, P. Dyer.
Livery Stables. - Stables where horees and carriages are let for hire are kept by E. Platt, Ira Clark, and Wm. Porter.
Lumber Yards. - Wm. Emerson, Royce & Wells, and E. Wilbur & Son; all on the South bank of the Canal, Messrs. Emerson and Wilbur, have Planing Machines, driven by steam, attached to their Yards. All kinds of building lumber kept constantly for sale.
Masons. - T. H. Blackwell, Jona. Kingsly, Charles Nichols, R. Wilson, S. Buck, D. Buck, I. Richardson, T. Hams, Wm. Wright.
Music - Instruction is given upon the Piano Forte, Melodeon, &c., to classes or single pupils in the village, by Miss J. Middleton, Mr. P. Leonard, and Prof. Poulton Musical Instruments, such as Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, &c, are kept for side by Wm. Morehouse, and P. Leonard.
Marble Cutters.-S. & N. Field.
Milliners and Dressmakers. - Mrs. A. M. Wood, Mrs. W. C . Irwin, Mrs. E. B. Hawley, Miss Harvey, Mrs. Green. Each of these ladies keeps a shop for the manufacture of their goods and a store for their sale. They employ a large number of hands in the business season, and sell large quantities of manufactured articles. Besides these, are several dressmakers and seamstresses employed in work at the houses of their patrons, as they may be required. Lady customers need not go to the city, for here they can be accommodated with articles of dress adapted to gratify the highest extrvagance, in the extreme of fashion, or suited to the common wants of more moderate ambition, and greater economy.
Painters. - H. E. Goodwin, E. Goodwin, J. H. Frary, A. D Armstrong, Wm. H. Dunham. No. of hands employed, about 16.
Printers. - B. C. Bebee, Willsea & Beach.
Postmaster. - H. J. Sickels.
Saloon Keepers. - Walter J. Weeks, Wm. H. Smith, Jr., Wm. S. Hodgman, K S. Bordwell.
Sash and Blind Factory. - W. S. Foster & Co.
Tanners. - T. Close, Joseph Evarts.
Telegraph. - The House line of Printing Telegraph has an office here in the line between N. York and Buffalo; V. V. Bullock, operator.
Tinsmiths. - J. H. Hallenbake, Royce & Morehouse, Bedell, Berry & Co., King & Root.
Tailors and Drapers. - Charles H. Smith & Co., E. Phillips, H. N. Smith, Geo. Sipes, F. Hays, T. J. Clark. No. of men employed about 20; of women 75.
Large quantities of ready made clothing are kept for sale, and some hands are employed in manufacturing, in connexion with their other business, by G. H. Siekels, Palmer & Beckwith, Collins & Co.
Veternary Surgeons. - J. H.. Collins is employed in prescribing for diseases of horses and cattle and in such surgical operation sas may be required for these animals.
Variety and Toy Store. - Wm. H. Dorrance
Watchmakers and Jewellers. - Wm. H. Dorrance, L. Munger & Co., H. P. Cooley.
Warehousemen. - Howard & Thurston, Tanner & Post, Serah Webb, Wm. H. Bardner
Whip Factory - John M Brace.
SOURCE: Sketches of village of Albion : containing incidents of its history and progress, from its first settlement, and a statistical account of its trade, schools, societies, manufactures, &c. (1853); Arad Thomas; Albion, N.Y.