15 - Albion Academy - Sketches of the Village of Albion
This Institution is designed to afford to its pupils the common advantages of Academical education for youth of both sexes, which are found in similar schools in this country. Instruction is given in all those branches of learning requisite to fit young men, as far as knowledge from books is concerned, for the duties of a business man in any of the common walks of life, and for admission to any of our Colleges and higher schools.
The Academy was incorporated in 1837, is subject to the visitation of the Regents of the University and receives its annual share of the Literature Fund from the State.
The lot of land on which the Academy stands contains three acres, and was purchased in the year 1839, at a cost of about $1,000. The Corporation of the Village gave $100 to grade the grounds, and about $300 have been raised by individual subscription to fence the lot and plant it with shade and ornamental trees,
The Academy building, which stands in the center of the grounds, is a handsome brick structure, four stories high, including the basement, 40 by 60 feet square, with a handsome cupola, and bell. It was erected in 1840-41. The funds to pay for the ground and building, &c., were obtained by a sale of a Mortgage given by Miss C. Phipps, for money loaned by the citizens of Albion, to build her Female Seminary, and by subscription in the Village. The first cost of the real estate was about $5000. The bell cost $150, furniture of building $400. The estimated value of Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus is $468. Number of volumes in Library is 390, estimated value $445. Whole number of pupils in attendance for the last school year, 257. Reported as Classical Scholars 189. Amount received from the Literature Fund $359.12, and for tuition the year $1569.
The members of the present Board of Trustees, are- Alexis Ward, President; Lemuel C. Paine, Sec'ry; Orson Nichoson, Treasurer; Roswell S. Burrows, Lorenzo Burrows, Clark S. Potter, William G. Swan, William H. Lorrance, Harvey Goodrich, Lewis Warner, Lansing Bailey.
The Teachers are Joel Whiting, A. M., Principal; Frederick Probst, Teacher of German and French Languages, Alonzo J. Howe, Teacher of Mathematics; Miss Frances Thrall, Preceptress.
SOURCE: Sketches of village of Albion : containing incidents of its history and progress, from its first settlement, and a statistical account of its trade, schools, societies, manufactures, &c. (1853); Arad Thomas; Albion, N.Y.