05 - Fire Department - Sketches of Village of Albion
The Fire Department, as at present organized, consists of a Chief Engineer, two Assistant Engineers, three Fire Wardens, two Engine Companies and one Hook and Ladder Company. The Companies not to exceed thirty men each.
Champion Engine Company, No. 1, was organized in the year 1831, and was the first Fire Company formed in the village. Of this Company M. L. Howard is Foreman, Theoph. Horton, Assistant, and William Close, Secretary.
Albion Engine Company, No 2, was organized in the year 1849. The officers of this Company are, Wm. Emerson, Foreman, E. S. Baker, Assistant, and Andrew Wall, Secretary.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Company was organized in 1842. The officers of this Company are, M. A. Harrington, Foreman, Benj. Abbott, Assistant, E. H. Pullman, Secretary. This Company has a good wagon and a full set of apparatus for their use.
The village owns two powerful Fire Engines, made by Button & Co., of Waterford, New York and, with the accompanying Hose Carts and apparatus, cost the village about $1,000 each. The village also owns about 1000 feet of serviceable Hose. The entire apparatus belonging to the Fire Department is of good quality, and in condition to do first rate service when required; but, hitherto, Albion has been remarkably favored in being exempt from the ravages of fire, and the Firemen have not had an opportunity to show their skill and force in combatting any large fire.
William Gere is Chief Engineer, Harry Gould, 1st Assistant, E. R, Tanner, 2d Assistant.
The Engineers are nominated by the Companies, and appointed by the Trustees, annually.
SOURCE: Sketches of village of Albion : containing incidents of its history and progress, from its first settlement, and a statistical account of its trade, schools, societies, manufactures, &c. (1853); Arad Thomas; Albion, N.Y.