Chapter 07 - The Present Outlook 1925-1926
"Kenmore, Northward the Course of Progress Takes its Way"
The Present Outlook 1925 - 1926
One year from the time when the "Midway" was held on Westgate Avenue, during "Jubilee" week, and the street did not have a house built upon it, there were forty completed, up-to-date dwellings. The northwest corner lot on Delaware Avenue, which at one time was sold for $5000, now had a valuation of $30,000. During April 103 families moved into the village.
During December the Village and Town Boards united under the State Boulevard Act to widen Delaware Avenue, inside the village five feet on each side, and outside the village ten feet on each side. The low bidder for the improvement was Fred W. Knickenburg of Buffalo, at $195,800. It is estimated that 9,000 automobiles and trucks pass on Delaware Avenue every day. Uniform spun concrete lamp posts and pre-cast curbing will be included. When completed Delaware Avenue will be one of the finest streets in any village in the state.
The Kenmore Theatre was built during the year 1925 and opened January 30th, 1926. The building fronts on Delaware Avenue, from Landers Road to Chapel Road. It contains 16 stores, a large hall, and bowling alleys. The theatre proper seats 1600 people and is owned and controlled by Kenmore men, costing $300,000. The people of Kenmore now have one of the finest motion picture palaces in the state.
Careful computation at the close of 1925 showed that Kenmore had a population of 8,500 people, and was the largest village in Western New York. The population doubled in five years, 1920-1925. The growth in population since 1900's as follows: 1905 - 506, 1910 - 1020, 1915 - 1700, 1920 - 3160, 1925-8,500.
Eight hundred sixteen new families moved into Kenmore in 1925, The total number of building permits issued during the year was 991, including 760 dwellings, 209 garages, ten stores, five stores and apartments, one bank, two churches, two apartment houses, and one laundry. The total increased valuation will be $3,306,720. Only 26 families moved out of the village.
"No question is ever settled until it is settled right" is an old time saying. In Kenmore it harks back to the "Village Pump" in 1889. The latest solution to the vexing question was suggested by H. F. Huy, general manager of the Western New York Water Company which supplies Kenmore and the Town of Tonawanda. "What the Village of Kenmore needs, and needs badly," says Mr. Huy, "is a storage tank of half a million gallons capacity, to store water for emergency use at fires and during the lawn sprinkling hours during the summer." Such a tank is now being erected. This company obtains its water supply from Lake Erie, at Woodlawn, N. Y., about eight miles south of the pumping station of the City of Buffalo. Its two intake mains extend out into the lake about one mile, where a bountiful supply of pure and wholesome water is obtained. From Woodlawn the water supply is pumped to a 10,000,000 gallon, concrete lined reservoir in the Hamburg hills, from which point it is distributed by gravity throughout the entire territory supplied by the water company, through a piping system consisting of approximately two hundred miles of mains, 66% of which are 8-inch or larger in diameter. At Depew, N. Y., a second pumping station is maintained, with a reservoir in connection therewith to increase the pressure to supply Kenmore and other villages in the Company's territory. A contract was let in February 1926 by the Company for the construction of a million-gallon storage tank at Cheektowaga, N, Y., which will be completed about July 1st, 1926. It is quite probable that this will solve Kenmore's water problem for many years to come.
With the issue of February 6, 1926, the Kenmore Record began its eleventh year of publication.
The paper was first issued in four-page, five column form. Ten weeks later the size was enlarged to six column, and later to eight pages, then to a seven column page, its present form. Regular editions of the paper now contain 16 pages. The circulation each week reaches nearly 3000 copies.
The policy of the paper as the exponent of village and town news accounts for the rapid growth of the paper. The special features of school news, church, and society doings, and independent political attitude commend it to our citizenry.
Lewis E. Burritt, one of Kenmore's best known and estimable citizens died on February 8th, 1925. Mr. Burritt was the receiver of taxes and assessments. He was also a prominent Freemason, and Christian Scientist. Clarence H. Arnold died November 22nd, 1925, which sad event was followed by the death of his wife on January 11th, 1926. Mr. Arnold was connected with the New York Telephone Company. In politics he was a Democrat. Mrs. Arnold was a member of the D. A. R. also active in church work, and was for a time connected with the Kenmore Public Library. The community suffered a distinct loss in the departure of these well known people who identified themselves with the welfare of Kenmore.
The First National Bank building at the corner of Delaware Avenue and Lincoln Boulevard was erected during the year 1925.
Dr. Jesse R. Harris, heretofore referred to as "Ralph Harris" who drilled the "Kenmore Cadets" in 1892, died in Niagara Falls, N. Y., February 6th. He was a retired colonel of the United States army. His mother Mrs. Alice M. Harris still lives among us, one of the earliest pioneers in Kenmore.
Wednesday, February 10th, 1926, was "Kenmore Day" for the Buffalo Real Estate Board at a luncheon held in the Y. W. C. A. "Know your Kenmore, for it offers sound and constantly increasing real estate investments."
Leslie L. Irvin a Kenmore parachute inventor whose aeroplane gracefully flies over our village and has grown familiar to our citizens, sailed for England the last of January on a mission to establish factories in England for the manufacture of 'chutes. His program will keep him abroad during a part of several years.
On Sunday morning February 14th, 1926, sod was turned for the new Masonic Temple on Delaware road, just north of the High School. Willard O. Tower, Master of the Master Builder Lodge No. 911 F, & A. M. presided and turned the first spade of earth. Frederick W. Claus, president of the temple association presented the spade to Mr. Tower. The emblem will undoubtedly become a valued souvenir. Chaplain Fred'k S. Parkhurst offered the prayer. Each one of the directors and members of the building committee turned a spadeful of earth. The temple will face Delaware avenue through Chapel Road having a fine location. The building will cost about $70,444 and will be of light buff brick with stone trimming and will be fire proof. In dimension it will be 95 feet front and 155 feet long containing rooms for all lodge purposes and will be an ornament to the village. The corner stone was laid with impressive ceremonies by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York on Saturday, April 10th, William A. Rowan of Nyack, N. Y., Grand Master.
An important event in the history of our village took place on Sunday, February 14th, 1926, when the new Presbyterian Church was dedicated. Probably the largest assembly of people ever gathered together in our village for a special occasion thronged the auditorium and balcony which together seat 1100 people, chairs also were requisite to seat all who came. The Rev. Arnold W. Fismer, Ph. D., D. D., professor of church history in the Bloomfield Theological Seminary, Bloomfield, N. J. delivered the dedicatory sermon. The Rev. Dr. F. Hyatt Smith a former pastor, now retired and living in Williamsville, N. Y., gave the address in the evening. On Washington's Birthday the spacious edifice was again thronged at 3 P. M. and 8 P. M. to hear the famous evangelist ''Billy" Sunday. At the same hour in the evening about 900 people attended a play given under the auspices of the Brounshidle Post, American Legion, in the high school auditorium and a large attendance was enjoyed at the Kenmore Theatre impressing our citizens with Kenmore's rapid growth in population.
A caucus of the affiliated Republican voters of the village was called by John C. Hider general committeeman for February 20th, at which nominations were made for the offices of village president, two trustees, and police justice. Following the caucus the executive committee designated for these offices Boy R. Brockett, president; Charles M. Epes and Albert A. Beutter, trustees; Charles L. Titus, judge. Trustees Willis H. Hall and Charles J. J. Seaman who were denied re-nomination by the committee announced themselves candidates for nomination before the caucus and were supported by a large number of persons. Following this announcement and getting the drift of public sentiment Mr. Epes and Mr. Bearing withdrew from the contest before the caucus. The result of the caucus was as follows: Roy R. Brockett, president; Willis H. Hall, trustee; Charles J. J. Seaman, trustee; Charles L. Titus, justice of the peace. The vote was as follows: For president, Brockett 509, Charles C. Bearing 2; for trustee, Hall 458, Seaman 400, Beutter 209; for justice, Titus 470, Charles H. Pratt 1, William Loncto 1. The result was a renomination of Brockett, Hall, Seaman and Titus, Harry A. Epsten circulated a petition and placed his name before the people for justice at the election held March 16th and later withdrew from the field. Mr. Beutter remained as a candidate for trustee supported by the Civic Committee.
The proposition made by the Milton J. Brounshidle Post of the American Legion during the year 1925, to build a town memorial hall to combine public offices and a meeting place for the Post was again revived and favored by the town and village officials. The suggestion was made that the village sell the present fire hall property and use the proceeds to help defray the cost of the building. The General Municipal law authorizes the issue of bonds for such purposes.
The annexation question like Banquo's ghost in Macbeth will not "down." In 1894 annexation was one of the live questions in Kenmore and had the support of the Kenmore Business Mens' Association. At that time a Buffalo newspaper said "Kenmore should be a part of Buffalo. The result is inevitable." Now, thirty-two years later, both the village board and the town board are emphatically opposed to the project, a bill having recently been introduced in the legislature by a Buffalo member of that body. The reasons favoring annexation in 1894 were the likelihood of getting better sewerage, water, light, fire protection, and pavements which the infant village badly needed at that time and did not have the taxable property to pay for them. Now the village has these advantages and considers itself in a better condition financially and politically than Buffalo; better able to manage its own affairs as a rapidly growing community of eight thousand souls. It may be "inevitable" that some day we will become a part of greater Buffalo, nevertheless all forces are united to prevent such a consummation at this time. The community spirit has been strong from the beginning in Kenmore and would be destroyed by annexation.
As an interesting comparison in growth, Kenmore budget in 1915 was $25,761.09, in 1926 $258,061.63 and the tax rate a little over $16.00 per thousand. The monies received and disbursed during 1925 by the receiver of taxes and assessments was $2,131,924.75. The tentative village budget for the year 1926 was $258,061.63, or $50,000.00 greater than in 1925. Eighty-four new families moved into Kenmore during January and February 1926 and building permits keep up a steady advance.
The second largest vote in the history of the village was cast at the village election held March 16th, 1926, at which 1196 people voted. The entire republican ticket was reelected. Roy R. Brockett, President; Willis H. Hall and Charles J. J. Seaman, Trustees; Charles L. Titus, Police Justice. On March 22nd the following officials were reappointed: Village Clerk, Walter Ducker; Village Engineer, Vernon Eager; Village Attorneys, Blackmon & Moore; Superintendent Public Works, Henry Schunk; Electrical Engineer, Arthur P. H. Saul; Chief of Police, Clarence Yochum; Police Officers, Alfred W. Bleyle, Harry D. Brounshidle, Miner Wildey, Frank V. Schultz, Thomas DeGuehrey, Edward Schultz, Archie B. Kirkwood, W. Carlysle Johnson. Special Officers: Arthur Burke, Thomas Costello, Bruce Miller, Victor F. Moreland Charles Weiss, Walter Ducker. Constables: John Yochum, Henry Schunk, Albert Drews. Special Fire Police: (Members of the American Legion, Brounshidle Post) Robert K. House, Leonard Sipperiey, Ray Grant, O. C. Keener, W. T. Burlingame, Dr. Richard R. Holbrook.
In response to local agitation, particularly through the taxpayers association, the Department at Washington considered the proposal and decided to establish a station to be known as the Kenmore Station. Sealed proposals for suitable quarters were called for up to April 3rd, the lease to be for five to ten years and floor space to be 800 square feet. Carrier service will still be from Hertel Station, Buffalo, but the increasing population and expanding territory occupied by homes and business concerns will undoubtedly bring carrier service from our own Station.
Tuesday, March, 30th, the world famous, deaf-blind woman Helen Keller, addressed a large audience in the Kenmore High School auditorium. She was accompanied and assisted by her life-long friend and teacher Anne Sullivan Macy, and Edwin Grasse, the eminent blind violinist. Mr. Frank C. Densberger, Superintendent of Schools presided and Miss Katherine L. Busch at the piano. The arrangements were under the supervision of the Kenmore Committee of the American Foundation for the Blind.
The Kenmore High School basketball team came within two points of winning the State Championship in the elimination contest at Syracuse, N. Y., March 25th - 27th. Of the final game, Carl Burkhardt, physical director of the Buffalo Public Schools said, "The most wonderful basketball ever played by a High School team in a state tournament." Several hundred citizens went to see the contest and cheer on the combatants. No event of recent years so stirred the village which was advertised by this competition in athletics. The team was honored by the State Athletic Association with a silver cup inscribed "Runner-up, Public High School Basketball Championship 1926."
The Rev. Charles L. Rhoades died March 31st. Born May 13th, 1849, he was a practicing lawyer before entering the ministry. During his later years he lived a retired life in Kenmore. Mrs. Emily M. Russell, wife of Alfred Russell, vice president of the Rowland Corporation, died on March 26th, Mrs. Russell had lived in Kenmore for many years and was a prominent member of the Eastern Star Lodge. Mrs. Louis Myers who had lived in Kenmore for 18 years died on March 26th. Mrs. Emma C. McClelland, wife of Dr. F. E. McClelland died March 26th, after a brief illness leaving four small children. M. Frank Anderson, a resident of Kenmore for 16 years died on March 27th, aged 79 years. Mr. Anderson was at one time special police officer but was living a retired life.
The village tax rate officially adopted for the year 1926 was fixed at $16.87 per thousand, a reduction of $2.13 per thousand from the 1925 rate. This was brought about by the adoption of the Town assessment roll, the increased valuation of new buildings constructed in 1925, and the increased valuation of vacant property on vacant streets. The budget for the year 1926 totals $258,061.62. It is thought that the peak of expenditures in the village has been reached, and that from now on the tax rate should grow less, as the improved streets are built up.
During March, 1926, fifty-one new families moved into the village and only two families moved out, a gain of forty-nine families, which means a gain of about two hundred in population. Two hundred and fifty houses are in course of construction.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Love celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday, April 24. Mr. Love is living in retirement after serving fifty-one years as a machinist. He came to Kenmore in the late 90's and has seen the growth of the village since it was but a small hamlet.
Kenmore's quota in the Community Fund Drive was $3,806. Kenmore Y. W. C. A. will receive $6,000 of the fund and the Wheel Chair Home $26,261.
Harking back to the early 90's when First Lieutenant Jesse R. Harris, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A., organized and drilled the "Kenmore Cadets," the people of Kenmore have believed that the formation of character in youth is the most important, valuable, and lasting work that can be done for the upbuilding of a community. During our entire history we have devoted much time and thought to this end.
One of the notable events of the year was the observance of Boys' Week May 2nd - 9th. The local observance was sponsored by the Kenmore Rotary Club in co-operation with the churches, schools, and various civic organizations. Each day of the week was filled with exercises and entertainments calculated to inform, instruct and entertain the large number of boys in the community. Frank C. Moore, chairman, William Harper, Judge E. A. Jones and Dr. W. H. Jones arranged for the celebration. Boys took charge of the service in the Church of the Advent, Episcopal, in everything but the sermon. They presided at the regular Rotary Club, Village Board, Board of Education and Town Board, astonishing their elders with ability and expression of ideas on matters of public interest. It was valuable training in citizenship.
During April 118 new families moved into the village which is an advance over the same period in 1925. Many houses are in process of erection showing that there will be no diminishing in the rapid growth of the village.
Frank A. Bussey who had been in the employ of the American Radiator Company for 32 years and a resident of Kenmore for 19 years died on May 5th. With his wife Mrs. Grace G. S. Bussey, they were prominent in church work and social functions.
The issue of the Kenmore Record for Thursday, April 29th was 2600 copies of 16 pages showing a remarkable growth in circulation in the past few years and warrants a semi-weekly edition. The Record serves the town of Tonawanda, Kenilworth, Ellwood, Riverside besides the village of Kenmore featuring the schools and various organizations in the territory, also officially represents the village and town administration.
Early in the spring of 1922 Matthew D. Young, C. D. Blair, Edward T. Danahy, Harold V. Cook and Charles D. Warren conceived the idea of organizing a National Bank in Kenmore. The prepared plans were approved by the Comptroller of Currency at Washington. The original capital was $65,000. Business was first transacted in the brick block corner of Delaware Avenue and Warren Avenue, in what was formerly a grocery store. The doors were opened May 27th, 1922. In the fall of 1924 the bank took over the entire ground floor of the building, so rapidly did the business increase. Plans for a new bank building were drawn up in 1925. On Saturday, May 15th, the new edifice was ready for occupancy and formally opened to the public. Situate at the corner of Delaware Avenue and Lincoln Boulevard, and in architectural design and interior finish nothing was left to be desired. In location and appearance any city might be proud of such a financial institution which demonstrates the ability and spirit of Kenmore men.
The annual drive for the United Charities subscription during the first week in May went over the quota of $3,311. Pledges amounting to $3,695 were received. While this was properly a city of Buffalo .movement, yet the Wheel Chair Home, Y. W. C. A. and Boy Scouts of Kenmore will receive more than this amount from the total fund.
The very unusual occurrence of two double funerals on following days, May 26th and 27th greatly impressed the people with the dangers of automobile travel. The instant death of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Moffett and Mr. and Mrs. Willis G. Osmansky was the result of a grade crossing accident on Sunday May 23rd as they were turning from the River Road into the Ward Road at the New York Central Railroad crossing. Only the daughter Miss Kathryn Moffett who was one of the party returning from Niagara Falls survived the crash, being seriously injured. A fifth resident of the village Miss Kathleen Fairbank was killed in an automobile accident while returning from Lockport on May 21st. Two young men were also killed in the same accident. The danger of sudden death, unless extreme caution is exercised, is apparent to all who use the streets.
The observance of Memorial Day on Monday May 31st was on a larger scale than ever before in Kenmore. As the fleeting years remove us farther away from the great World War it is evident that "Lest We Forget" is sinking deeper and deeper into the consciousness of the people. The American Legion Post had charge of the parade and public exercises which in every way reflected the patriotism and unselfishness of its members as they honored the memory of the American soldiers and sailors.
At the close of the school year tabulated reports are published showing that it costs about $70 annually for each child receiving an education in our village. A steadily increasing enrollment marks the increasing population. High standards and efficient administration of schools is an attraction to those with children seeking homes in Kenmore. Admirable location, school advantages, church influence, enterprising realtors and builders, and clean village government all insure a wonderful future growth of our coming city.
The remarkable growth of the Kenmore Public Library is also a striking evidence of far reaching import in the character of our citizenship. A gain of 200 borrowers during the year and the class of books borrowed indicates a healthy discernment on the part of the inhabitants. A good library benefits all the people of the community.
With all these good influences which promote intelligence and enrich life, the social, business, religious and educational life of our village is a credit and example. A people who care nothing for these things will never prosper, but with them intelligent progress and prosperity is assured.
This brings us to the close of the 37th year of Kenmore's settlement, and the 27th year of incorporated existence. The year 1926 marks the 150th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, by which the Province of New York became a free state. We are a constituent part of the great commonwealth, which on July 9th, 1776, in Provincial Convention assembled in New York city unanimously approved the Declaration. Kenmore at that time, like nearly all western New York, was uninhabited, save by Indian tribes roaming the forests and walking the trails along the Niagara frontier, disputing the advance of the white man. A few descendants of these aborigines remain within our state and have appeared in Kenmore on different occasions, clad in native costume and reciting in song and story the manners and customs of their ancestors, thus linking the past with the present. History is obscured by time. We are fortunate in being able to record the settlement, growth and progress of our village, which, in another 150 years, A. D. 2076, will convey to the readers of that future day, events and conditions which took place and existed in what is now a modern village in the Empire State at the beginning of the 20th century. It requires neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet to forecast the future of Kenmore. It will become a part of a great municipality reaching from Buffalo to Niagara Falls. Probably a "Tube" will convey travelers between these points in thirty minutes, while those who prefer the air route will make the trip in half that time. The few remaining farm lands in the Tonawandas that are not already sub-divided will be covered with homes, places of business, and industrial plants. Broad avenues and beautiful parks will adorn all this section. Let us hope that the sun will then shine on a united nation, a peace-loving people, righteous, just, loyal and true,
The Kenmore Methodist Episcopal Church was organized February 13th, 1891 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron A. Phelps, corner of Delaware Avenue and Tremaine Avenue. About 50 people formed the first society. Services were held in the homes of the people until June of the same year, when through the kindness of George A. Sanborn a good sized room was provided in a store on West Kenmore Avenue. This place proving too small, the congregation moved into the old "White House" on East Kenmore Avenue, where the society remained until the basement of the present church was ready for occupancy. The first pastor was Frederick Dark, a young student who had charge of the services during the summer of 1891. On the 13th day of June 1892 ground was broken for the new edifice. The corner stone was laid by the Rev. J. E. Williams, Presiding Elder of Buffalo District. On June 4th, 1893, the church was dedicated by the Rev. Dr. Sanford Hunt of New York. The following pastors succeeded Mr. Dark: Rev. Earl D. Shepard, 1892. Rev. Joseph Duxbury, 1893. In October 1893 Rev. Phineas T. Lynn took charge and remained for five years. Rev, E, C, Swartz was then appointed and remained until 1901, He was followed by Rev, Peter A. McDonald, who accepted a call to the Park Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, in January 1902 and was followed by Rev. Dr. T. H. Orme. Rev. H. H. Downey was pastor from October 1905 to October 1907, Rev, W. R, Brown took charge in 1908 and remained until 1912. The Rev. Dr. Fred'k S. Parkhurst was appointed in October 1912 and closed his pastorate taking a "Retired Relation" in October 1916. Rev. H. A. Reed had charge from 1916 to 1918. Rev. A. Partington was the pastor from 1918 to 1922. The Rev. W. Mortimer Heisler was appointed in October 1922 remaining until 1924. The Rev. C. H. Gall became the pastor in October 1924 and is the present incumbent. The society has purchased a site on Old Delaware Road and expect soon to erect a larger and more modem structure.
The history of the Kenmore Presbyterian Church is closely linked with the growth and life of Kenmore. In 1889 the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Buffalo was supporting a mission at the corner of Delaware Avenue and Hertel Avenue, Buffalo, which was attended by the few Presbyterians then living in Kenmore. Mr. L. P. A. Eberhardt gave the site and old church building which cost $2000 and $11,000 respectively to the Westminster society on condition that they would contribute one-half of the cost of maintenance which v/as accepted. Rev. George H. Marsh was the first regular pastor and served the church from December 4th, 1894 to February 2nd, 1897. Rev. L. Hamilton was the next pastor and died in 1899. Following his decease a call was extended to his son Rev. Charles Hamilton who was preaching in Manchester, Iowa who accepted and served the society for eight years and then went as a missionary to the Philippines. In 1907 the Rev. W. S. Carter was called to the pastorate from Rochester, N. Y., Mr. Carter resigned in November, 1912. The "Gym" hall was built by Mr. Eberhardt in 1907 at a cost of $26,000. In 1911 the church was raised off its stone piers and a basement containing dining rooms, kitchen, primary and kindergarten rooms were added. The main auditorium was improved and a new organ installed, also choir loft and balcony. The Rev. F. Hyatt Smith assumed charge in 1912 and remained ten years and retired to live in Williamsville, N. Y. During his pastorate the membership doubled and numbered 473. The Rev. John Richelsen of Niagara Falls, N. Y. was called in September, 1923. A campaign for members brought the membership to 562 in January, 1924. Plans were adopted in March 1924 for the present structure at an estimated cost of $65,000 and has sittings for 2000. The membership is 1,126.
The first priest who said Mass in what is now called Kenmore was the Venerable John Nepomucene Neumann, who died as Bishop of Philadelphia, Pa., in 1860. After Venerable Neumann had been ordained a priest by Bishop Dubois of New York, he came to this territory in 1836. He built a log chapel in 1836 on the same spot where the Chapel of St. John the Baptist now stands, commonly called North Bush Chapel. From here he took care of many surrounding missions, above all, of the few scattered Catholic families in our territory. Later on, priests from Williamsville and Tonawanda took care of these families. About 1868, the present St. John's Chapel was erected and Mass celebrated there. A cemetery was also founded there. For many years subsequently the Catholic families attended St. Joseph's Church, Main Street, Buffalo, also St. Francis Xavier's Church, Black Rock.
St. Paul's Parish proper was established in 1897 by Bishop J. E. Quigley. In 1897 the two dozen Catholic families had obtained permission from Bishop Quigley to build a Church of their own, the late Frank Mang donating a building lot on Delaware Avenue. Soon after the Jesuit Fathers in charge of St. Michael's Church, Buffalo, took charge of St. Paul's, Rev. Fathers Nelles, Pfeil, Sturm, Miller, Leonard and Gisler acting as pastors successively.
January 6, 1899, a two story building of modest dimensions was completed and dedicated as St. Paul's Parochial School. It first stood on the spot of the present garage and being of frame construction was later on moved to the rear of the Church and connected with it. In 1900 the Franciscan Sisters from Sacred Heart Academy, Buffalo, took charge as teachers. They lived in a room in the school building and in the church basement.
The history of St. Paul's Church as a regular diocesan parish opens in April 1909, when Bishop Charles Henry Colton appointed the Rev. Henry B. Laudenbach as the first resident pastor of St. Paul's. New building lots were purchased by Father Laudenbach. In 1909-1910, he built the present brick rectory. At that time the parish comprised about 60 families. In April, 1914, Bishop Colton appointed the Rev. Adam Scheidel to succeed Father Laudenbach. A steady growth of the parish commenced about that time. When the next pastor. Rev. Ferdinand A. Bank was appointed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Turner, in May, 1920, the parish numbered about 130 families. Meanwhile the Franciscan Sisters had left and Father Scheidel had secured lay teachers for the school but had made arrangements with the Sisters of St. Mary of Namour, of St. Mary's Seminary, Buffalo, to take charge of the school in the fall of 1920.
Since August 1920 a third Mass was added to the regular Sunday services, one of the Rev. Jesuit Fathers of Canisius College officiating. When the Sisters of St. Mary, two Sisters and a lay teacher, took charge of the school, there were about 60 children attending.
In the fall of 1921 the interior of the Church was newly frescoed and the seating capacity of the church pews was nearly doubled by adding new pews. Three new building lots were purchased in the fall of 1922, rounding out the church property to 452 feet by 143 feet. In 1923, especially, new families began to move into the parish and in May of the same year Rev. Francis Schubert was appointed as first assistant pastor and a fourth Mass was added to the regular Sunday services. On June 17, 1923, the Parish celebrated its 25th anniversary. Meanwhile the erection of a suitable new parochial school became a necessity. Three Sisters were teaching about 110 pupils in the little frame school. With the approval of the Bishop in the spring of 1924, the architects Bley and Lyman were authorized to draw plans for a school. On July 26th ground was broken, on October 5, the corner stone was laid by the pastor Father Bank, assisted by Rev. E. M. Deck and Rev. F. Schubert. In October 1924 Bishop Turner appointed Rev. Eugene H. Selbert as assistant in the place of Father Schubert. In December of the same year, two more building lots, adjacent to the school site on Victoria Boulevard were purchased together with a frame house with lot making the present premises all in all about 600 by 150 feet.
On Sunday, September 13th, Rt. Rev. Bishop Turner dedicated the new school, many priests being present and the Knights of St. John turned out for the occasion. The following day, September 14th, school studies commenced, 5 class rooms had to be used for 190 pupils. On the same day, the Sisters of St. Mary began to use the house at 55 Victoria Boulevard, purchased last winter, as a convent. On December 28th, Bishop Turner transferred Rev. E. Selbert to the New Cathedral and appointed Rev. Joseph A. Bach of St. Mary's, Olean, N. Y., assistant at St. Paul's Church.
In the new St. Paul's school, Kenmore has an edifice which is an architectural object of beauty being of Gothic English architecture and constructed of rough textured graybrick with stone trimmings. The building is fire proofed throughout.
In the fall of 1910 a few Baptists living in this vicinity met, discussed, planned and finally organized the Kenmore Baptist Church. For several weeks meetings were held in the home of Mr. E. W. Anderson in Villa Avenue. Then a building, which had been a school was bought, remodeled and furnished and there the church endeavored for six years to do the Lord's work. This first building was on Ramsdell Street, (now a dwelling. No. 29, remodeled after a fire.)
For about one year the church was a mission church, during which time Buffalo and Tonawanda pastors helped in its maintenance. In the fall of 1911 it was thought advisable to organize a regular church. An organization council was called and under the leadership of Rev. R. J. Roberts were duly organized into the Kenmore Baptist Church with a membership of 26.
In the next few years growth was slow but steady. It was soon found that it would be necessary to find larger and more favorably located quarters. The trustees after careful consideration recommended the purchase of the lot at the corner of Delaware Road and Cornell Avenue. At once plans were drawn for a building. In June 1916 the corner stone was laid and in April 1917 the church was dedicated.
Never has the growth been spectacular, but always constant. Consequently in 1925 it was found necessary to remodel and enlarge the building. With a membership of 227 and a Sunday school of 359 the new building was begun in May 1925 and it was dedicated on November 8, 1925. The new building will seat about 500 and has modern Sunday school equipment. A new Viner pipe organ has been installed. Rev. R. J. Roberts served as pastor for seven years. After his resignation the church had several supplies, among them Rev. A. R. Spencer, for about a year. Rev. Carl Rasmussen was called as pastor October, 1919, and died in the early spring of 1920. Rev. Spencer again supplied until September 1920, when Rev. R. A. Fuller assumed the pastoral duties. He has served now for over five years.
From the very beginning Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dixon of Buffalo have been very helpful in financial and other ways.
During the month of September 1904 the Brotherhood of St. Andrew of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Buffalo, N. Y. under Rev. Thomas B. Berry, D. D.; began holding services of the Episcopal Church in Kenmore. On November 6th, 1904, the Rt. Rev. W. D. Walker, D. D.; visited the Mission with twenty communicants in attendance. In December, 1904 the Mission was organized under the direction of Dr. Berry. The following officers were appointed: Warden, W. H. Beck; Treasurer, Bertram Ralph; Secretary, Fred J. Lynch; welfare helpers, G. W. Keese, R. A. Toms, G. W. Warren, C. B. Brooks, J. C. Hider. The corporate name "Mission of the Advent" was adopted. Services were first held in the homes of the members. A church school was organized with Mr. F. Lynch Superintendent.
On June 24th, 1906, the village board gave free use of the Village Hall for church services. The organization, advanced and a gift of sacred vessels was made by the Woman's Guild of the Church of the Good Shepherd as a memorial for Mrs. William Beck.
The Bishop of the Diocese, the Rt. Rev. W. D. Walker, D, D.; confirmed the first class of five on June 28th, 1906.
The Rev. H. W. Caviller of All Saints Church, Buffalo, was made the Missionary-in-Charge in 1908, spending much time in developing the Mission. Title to a lot was secured at the corner of LaSalle Avenue and Eugene Avenue. A building was erected and formally opened by Bishop Walker on Sunday June 18th, 1911.
The Mission grew rapidly and the Rev. Jerome Kates was called in the spring of 1914. Mr. Kates broadened and strengthen the work of the church in Kenmore. In 1916 he resigned to take up labor in a large field.
The Rev. Edward Cosbey filled the vacancy and greatly developed the organizations of the church during a pastorate of three years. Rev. Cosbey resigned in 1919 seeking a larger field of labor.
In 1920 the society purchased a rectory at No. 70 Tremaine Avenue and the Vestry called the Rev. J. E. Darling to the vacant charge. Rev. Mr. Darling came in 1920 and the church was incorporated in July. The property at LaSalle Avenue and Eugene Avenue was sold and a site purchased on Delaware Road on which a Parish House was erected and opened in December 1923, being the first unit of a splendid plant which when completed will have also a church and rectory. The church is centrally located as to population, commodious, and ornamental. With the increasing number of people who are coming to the parish and a splendid church school, combined with strong organizations, the church bids fair to hold a worthy place in the community. The present Rector is the Rev, John L. Short.
In the fall of 1920 the Reverend H. Plehn of Nazareth Lutheran Church, Skillen and Wiley Streets, Buffalo, began holding services in Village Hall. The following October the Reverend F. J. Muhlhauser, who is in charge at present, was called to take over the work. A congregation was organized. Services were continued in Village Hall. In the fall of 1922 the present church site, on the north-west corner of Delaware and Chapel roads (the latter was then known as Jefferson Street) was purchased for $7,382. In June, 1924, ground was broken for the Chapel in which the congregation is now worshiping, and the building was completed and dedicated in February, 1925. The cost of the same was $27,000. The congregation, which is prospering with Kenmore, is affiliated with the Syndical Conference of the Lutheran Church of America.
Services in the Village Hall.
Sunday school 9:00 A. M.
Preaching service 10:30 A. M.
After meeting as a Sunday school for a few months in the Village Hall, a survey of the village was made and it was decided to begin meetings as a congregation. The first meeting held September 13th, 1925, was attended by fifty people. The work was begun by the Evangelical Union of Buffalo and was taken over by the Board of Home Missions of the Evangelical Church. On Thursday evening December 10th, 1925, the church was organized in response to a petition signed by 27 men and women of Kenmore. A constitution was adopted and a church council elected to take effect January 1st, 1926, composed of the following members: Frank Briggs, Mrs. George Brunner, George Fornof, Edward Huebner, Mrs. George Norwig and Fred Zaehringer. The church proposes to build a church edifice in the near future.
Services Sunday 10:30 A. M. and 3 P. M.
Testimonial meeting, Wednesday 8:00 P. M.
Reading room open Monday and Friday 7 - 9 P. M. Tuesday and Thursday 8 - 5 P. M.
Through the efforts of a few residents of the village, Christian Science services were first held regularly in Kenmore in the spring of 1919. These were conducted by Christian Science Society in Kenmore, which had been organized a little while previously. The large room on the second floor of the Village Hall was made available for the services through the courtesy of the Village Board.
Within the next two years the attendance grew to such an extent that the members of the Society felt the time had come to erect a suitable church edifice to accommodate the constantly increasing body of students of Christian Science. Accordingly, the site at the northeast corner of East Hazeltine and Myron Avenues was chosen and purchased early in 1921.
Plans for the building having been prepared by Harold J. Cook, Architect, ground was broken in October, 1921. The cornerstone was laid shortly thereafter in the presence of the two Readers, the Board of Trustees and the Building Committee.
On Easter Sunday, 1922, the building was ready for occupancy. A morning, afternoon and evening service were held, at each of which the auditorium seating 400 was well filled. Since then there has been no interruption in the services on Sunday or Wednesday evening.
The affairs of the Church are managed by a Board of six Trustees, two of whom are elected annually for a term of three years. The First and Second Readers (who must be members of The Mother Church), are also elected by the membership, and serve a term of three years. Under the Bylaws of the Church, a Reader who has served a full term is not eligible for re-election.
When Kenmore was first settled in 1889 there was a small district school in what was called the Burlington district on Englewood Road in the township of Tonawanda which accommodated the children of that vicinity and a few from what is now Kenmore; others were obliged to walk or take the bus to No. 21 school on Hertel Avenue, Buffalo, which was overcrowded. In 1890 the number of children of school age in Kenmore numbered about 50. A meeting was held in the Burlington school house to discuss the question of a separate school for Kenmore at which 21 voters were present. Eleven voted in favor of the movement and ten against it. Meanwhile a school was held in the Sunday school rooms of the Presbyterian Church. Desks were provided and the pupils were instructed by Miss Frank Wilder of Pike, N. Y., Mr. William F. Squire circulated a petition for a separate building and 40 signed the same. In 1891 a public hearing was held in the office of Superintendent Emerson on this petition and the right was granted to build a school house in Kenmore. In 1892 a lot was purchased from L. P. A. Eberhardt for $1,500 on Delaware Avenue and the Union Free School (afterward bought for the present Village Hall) was built. The first accident of any note in the newly settled village took place during its construction. Charles Hutt a carpenter fell from a scaffold breaking his right leg at the ankle. Mrs. Celia W. Marsh, wife of the pastor of the Presbyterian Church was the first principal of the new school in 1892. Mrs. Marsh was a college graduate and an inspiring teacher with high ideals. In changing from a district school to a Union Free School there was a long debate. The vote was 56 in favor of the motion, and 46 against. Five trustees were elected to form a Board of Education: For one year George H. Meyer, two years Hugo Westphal and A. H. Stephenson, three years Mrs. F. E. A. Zimmerman and John I. Keller. Mr. W. R. Atkinson was the sole trustee of the old district school. Several students of the new union school took the Regents' Examination in January 1893 at the Buffalo High School. Mrs. Marsh continued her services as Principal until 1895 when R. M. Baraces, a Buffalo lawyer and formerly a principal in Wyoming County took charge of the school. In 1896 the annual school meeting registered 88 voters. W. R. Atkinson was elected Trustee in 1896 and was instructed to open the school for a term of 40 weeks with one teacher. The amount of money to be raised by taxation was $1,700. Mr. Atkinson was elected to the office of Trustee without opposition from 1896 to 1901.
In March 1899 Mr. Baraces resigned and Miss Cora Phelps (now Mrs. A. M. Hall) filled the vacancy for some time when Mr. B. X. Shields was engaged as Principal. In 1902 William C. Uhrhan took charge of the rapidly growing school, holding the position until 1915. The school became overcrowded in 1909 and a new building became necessary. The corner stone was laid for what is now the old High School in 1910 and it was completed and occupied in 1911 for the Fall Term. The building cost $50,000. In the fall of 1915 Frank C. Densberger was chosen Principal. Enlargement was found necessary and in February 1916 additions were built on the north and south sides at an expense of $46,000. The work was completed in 1917. There were now 30 teachers with an enrollment of 110 in the Senior High School, 110 Junior High, 443 1st and 6th grades, 100 Kindergarten, total enrollment 763 The new Junior-Senior High School on Delaware Road was erected by the Board of Education in 1924. Eugene Crow, President; William W. Whitelock, Frederick W. Kester, Emilie A. Linklater, Harold V. Cook, Andrew M. Carnes, Katherine B. Pinch; Charles D. Warren, Secretary; Frank C. Densberger, Superintendent of Schools; F. J. and W. A. Kidd, Architects.
The erection of the school was favorably voted on in 1922. Work was started July 27th, 1923. The building was completed November 1st, 1924, at a cost of $495,000. The structure is of warm buff colored tapestry brick with grey stone trim and in architectural beauty equal to that found in any city. The auditorium seats over eleven hundred people. The school contains departments of Homemaking, Manual Training, Mechanical Drawing, Cafeteria, Gymnasium, Swimming, Library, Conservatory and Laboratories. A large athletic field with football, baseball, tennis courts and quarter-mile track is located back of the building. In no better way can the growth of Kenmore be expressed than by this large, modern school. Without doubt there is no single factor that has contributed to the growth of Kenmore more than its educational facilities.
The Story of Eleven Years' Business
Granted its charter by State of New York December 11th, 1914.
Opened for business December 18th, 1914.
Original paid-in Capital and Surplus $30,000.00
Five of the original Board of Directors (which was seven in number) Messrs. Raymond E. Winfield, Chairman; Clarence C. Miller, President; Freelon Hunter, L. P. A. Eberhardt and Charles J. J. Seaman, are still serving as Directors.
Other members of the present board are:
Charles A. Scheeler, added in 1915.
Milton C. Guggenheimer, Frank X. Renter and George F. Wallace, added in 1916.
J. Fred Moore, added in 1919.
William W. Whitelock, added in 1921.
Henry J. Ebling, John B. Scheidemantel, Charles Stephen and Arthur R. Atkinson, added in 1922.
Other active officers are Howard A. Inskip, who came to the bank as cashier in 1918 and assistant cashiers, Albert A. McMullen and John D. Hamilton, both of whom have been with the bank since 1923.
Working force has grown from two in 1914 to eighteen in 1926.
Capital, Surplus and Profits have increased from $30,000 to nearly $300,000.00 - Deposits to over $2,000,000.00 and Total Resources to about $3,000,000.00.
Banking quarters have grown from one small room in 1914 to present spacious quarters.
January 1st, 1926 open accounts, 4137; deposits $2,451,471.80; interest paid, $232,328.14; Resources, $3,415,491.33; net earnings, $169,047.70; dividends paid $94,875.00.
Organized and opened for business May 27, 1922, occupying part of lower floor of building at 2833 Delaware Avenue. In fall of 1924, quarters enlarged by adding space in same building occupied by Kenmore Grocery. June 1925 began construction of modern, fire-proof banking house at corner Delaware Avenue and Lincoln Boulevard at cost of $90,000.00. Occupied new building May 15, 1926.
Deposits Assets
May 27, 1922 $ 96,176.87 $ 177,426.87
May 27, 1923 387,789.01 576,652.81
May 27, 1924 667,075.98 807,641.84
May 27, 1925 922,690.72 1,139,741.33
April 12, 1926 1,730,833.13 1,957,854.94
Matthew D. Young President
Charles D. Warren Vice President
Arthur R. Catlin Cashier
Vernon L, Young Assistant Cashier
Harold V. Cook Counsel
DIRECTORS Cecil D. Blair, Edward H. Boehringer, Harold V. Cook, Eugene Crow, Edward T. Danahy, Charles C. Dearing, Thomas W. Dickson, Frank C. Greutker, Ray H. Heiss, Dr. Eugene R. Linklater, Charles D. Warren, Dr. Walter J. M. Wurtz, Matthew D. Young.
The new home of the First National Bank of Kenmore with its central location, convenient arrangements, complete equipment and attractive appointments, reflects the substantial progress of the institution in its four years of successful service and indicates the way it keeps pace with Kenmore's growth and development, with which it is so closely identified.
Organized 1912, Western New York Federation 1918.
Regular meetings first and third Tuesday, October to May 2:30 P. M.
Motto: "Live up to the best that is in you." j
Colors: White and Gold.
First Officers: President, Mrs. Wilbur T. Harris; Vice President, Mrs. Willis H. Hall; Secretary, Mrs. Henry Tremain; Treasurer, Miss Katherine L. Busch.
The following ladies have acted as president since organization: Mrs. Wilbur T. Harris, 1912 - 1918; Mrs. Charles J. J. Seaman, 1919 - 1920; Mrs. Frank C. Densberger, 1920 - 1922; Mrs. Frederick S. Parkhurst, 1923 - 1924; Mrs. Willis H. Hall, 1925-1926; Mrs. Orel L. Hershiser, 1926.
Annual election of officers first meeting in April.
Present Officers: Mrs. Orel L. Hershiser, President; Mrs. Joseph W. Hutchison, Vice President; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Joseph A. Dixon; Treasurer, Mrs. Frank C. Moore; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frederick S. Parkhurst; Auditor, Mrs. Erwin M. Hooker; Historian, Mrs. Charles J. J. Seaman.
The club has thirty active members and eight honorary members.
Special Days: Club Birthday Party; Christmas Party; Guest Day; Club Luncheon; June Picnic.
The W. C. T. U. of Kenmore was organized March 8th, 1897, in the Presbyterian Church. The original officers were: President, Mrs. Dalgety; Vice President, Mrs. Jennie VanVleer; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Hattie H. Leonard; Superintendent Mothers' Meeting, Mrs. Frances Zimmerman. There were fourteen charter members.
The purpose of the organization is the unifying throughout the world the work of women in temperance and social reform. The badge is the white ribbon. The motto "For God and Home and Every Land." In 1913 the society erected and presented to the village a Drinking Fountain which is located at the village hall and was accepted by the president of the village, Matthew D. Young. During "Old Home Week" in the summer of 1924 the society won the first prize in a "Float Contest" called "Before and After Prohibition," by Mrs. W. H. Johnston, and the first prize "Floral Missions," by Mrs. Wittenmeyer. The membership is 125, and 30 honorary members. The society meets every third Thursday at 2:30 P. M. Mrs. William Robinson, 24 Ramsdell Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y., President; Mrs. Amy Neustadter, 104 Argonne Drive, Secretary. Telephone the President for the place of meeting.
Kenmore Lodge No. 795 Independent Order of Odd Fellows was instituted March 7th, 1913, with the following charter members: William B. Sirrett, William Harper, Delbert A. Phelps, Edmund Baloun, Henry A. Martin, Fred W. Eggleston, Bert G. Hitchcock, William Dicks, William Swing.
The first officers were: N. G., William Harper; V. G., William Dicks; Recording Secretary, Fred W. Eggleston; Financial Secretary, Henry A. Martin; Treasurer, Delbert A. Phelps; R. S. N. G., William B. Sirrett; L. S. N. G., Bert G. Hitchcock; Chaplain, Edmund Baloun; Warden, William Ewing.
The first lodge rooms were located in the Hitchcock Hall located at the corner of Delaware Avenue and Euclid Avenue in what was known as the Henry Block. The present Temple site was later acquired corner of Kenmore Avenue and Myron Avenue. The corner stone was laid in 1914. The membership is 133. The 107th anniversary of Odd fellowship in the United States was observed by the Lodge on April 26th, 1926, in the evening. Dr. Fred'k S. Parkhurst delivered the address.
The present officers are: N. G., Samuel McCarley; V. G., Louis Smith; Recording Secretary, Gordon P. Gilbert; Financial Secretary, William Thorn; Treasurer, George L. Hulslander; R. S. N. G., Thomas Osborne; L. S. N. G., A. J. Whittleton; R. S. V. G., Paul Condrell; L. S. V. G., Clifford Cook; Chaplain, Charles Thompson; Conductor, Frank Schultz; Warden, Charles Beeker; I. G., Joseph Bingham; O. G. Jacob Fries; R. S. S., John Bleyle; L. S. S. Edward Fletcher; P. G., William Gall.
Regular meeting night, every Monday, 8 P. M.
Early in the year of 1916, a committee was formed with Andrew Werner as chairman, assisted by Mrs. N. G. Miller, to organize a Rebekah Lodge in Kenmore with the result that, on April 4, 1916, the Lodge was instituted with 52 members, by George E. Judge, then Grand Master of New York State and District Deputy President Martha Rast of the Rebekah Assembly.
The object and purposes of the Rebekah Degree of Odd Fellows is to assist their own members and subordinate and sister Rebekah Lodges in ministering to the families of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs when in trouble, sickness and want; to aid in establishing and maintaining homes for aged Odd Fellows and their wives and the widows of deceased Odd Fellows, also homes for the care and education of orphans of deceased Odd Fellows and Rebekahs; to cultivate social and fraternal relations among lodges and families of Odd Fellows. 1926 officers are: Emma George, Noble Grand; Rose Ebling, Past Noble Grand; Emma Roehrig, Vice Grand; Julia Chase, Recording Secretary; May Gersting, Financial Secretary; Katherine Bleyle, Treasurer; Elizabeth Kumpf, Chaplain; Hattie Meyers, Warden; Jessie Whittleton, Conductor; Maud Allgier, Inside Guardian; Jacob Fries, Outside Guardian; Sarah Marshall, R. S. N. G.; Katherine Zwald, L. S. N. G.; Marie Huss, R. S. V. G.; Luella Dahmer, L. S. V. G.; Marion Bleyle, Pianist; Flora Fletcher, Color Bearer; Ethel Cline, Minerva Morgan, Escorts; Mabel Bowman, Drill Mistress.
Past Noble Grands are: Flora Fletcher, Lulu Miller from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; Mabel Bowman, Mary Rowland, Christine Wiser, Maude Maxson, Jessie Caskey, Katherine Zwald, Sarah Marshall, and Rose Ebling. Present membership 160.
Master Builder Lodge No. 911, Free and Accepted Masons was organized and Dispensation granted on December 27th, 1913. It was instituted on January 20th, 1914. A Charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York on May 7th, 1914, and the Lodge was Constituted and Consecrated on May 29th, 1914, by Honorable George Freifeld, at that time Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York.
The lodge was formed with forty-one charter members, and by the end of 1925 had grown to a membership of Three Hundred and Fifty.
Robert L. Kimberley was its first Master and served the Lodge during the years 1914 and 1915. The Masters that followed and their terms of office were: 1916, Albert C. Towne; 1917, Frederick T. Hall; 1918, Robert F. Coleman; 1919, Lewis E. Burritt; 1920, Frederick W. Claus; 1921 Fred C. Post; 1922, Francis G. King; 1923, Edward A. Jones; 1924, Walter Allen; 1925, Thomas W. Dickson.
Dr. George M. Lewis was its first secretary, followed in 1915 by Arthur P. H. Saul, who has continued as secretary until the present time, having served the lodge for thirteen consecutive years.
The officers of the lodge for the year 1926 were: Master, Willard O. Tower; Senior Warden, Dr. Joseph R. Hawn; Junior Warden, Fred M. Rich; Treasurer, Charles L. Lowell; Secretary, Arthur P. H. Saul; Chaplain, Rev. Frederick S. Parkhurst; Senior Deacon, Willis H. Hall; Junior Deacon, Frank C. Moore; Senior Master of Ceremony, Thomas B. Rautenberg; Junior Master of Ceremony, Kenneth O. Irvin; Senior Steward, Roscoe L. Rosser; Junior Steward, Frank C. Greutker; Marshal, Harry A. Epsten; Organist, Ransom C. Hall; Tiler, Marley E. Bechtel.
On February 14th, 1926, ground was broken for a new Temple, to be built on East Delaware Road, immediately north of the new Kenmore High School. The cost of the new Temple, including the site, will be approximately $85,000.00.
The cornerstone of the new edifice was laid with imposing ceremonies on April 10th, 1926, by William A. Rowan, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, assisted by a large retinue of Grand Lodge Officers.
It is expected that the Temple will be completed and dedicated in the late fall of 1926.
Bethlehem Chapter 634 O. E. S. was instituted on March 9th, 1920, in Odd Fellows Temple, Kenmore, N. Y., by a staff of Acting Grand Officers. Thirty members who signed the Dispensation were affiliated. Heumina W. Lauderdale, Worthy Matron and Edwin H. Weibert Worthy Patron.
The Chapter served under Dispensation until October 23, 1920, when it was constituted by the M. W. G. M. of the State of New York, Dr. Frances Thornton.
At the end of this year the Roster totaled ninety members and W. M. Heumina W. Lauderdale and Edwin H. Weibert were re-elected for another year.
Helen P. Annis was W. M. and Thomas W. Dickson, W. P. in 1922. During this year the Chapter held its only and very successful Bazaar.
Vera K. Towne W. M., and Malcolm E. Welch W. P. in 1923; Mae L. Ewers W. M., and Edward A. Jones W. P. in 1924; Argnes L. Osborn W. M. and Walter Allen W. P. in 1925.
In 1924 and 1925 Chapter added a Vested Choir to its floor work.
December 1925 showed the chapter had initiated and affiliated 265 members but had lost twenty through death withdrawal and dimiting to other Chapters.
Each year the Chapter has had some very beautiful special evenings, such as Installations, Floral Degrees and Grand Officers Night which will never be forgotten by anyone whose privilege it has been to be present.
The Chapter has also been very successful financially in a number of undertakings into which they have gone for that purpose.
Kenmore Court No. 113 Order of the Amaranth was organized October 23, 1924, with Mrs. Emile Linklater as its Royal Matron, and Judge Charles L. Titus as its Royal Patron.
The Grand Court granted the Charter in May 1925, after the officers had proven that they were capable of carrying on the duties and responsibilities of a Court of the Order of the Amaranth.
The membership of Kenmore number between 60 and 70, all residents of Kenmore proper, or its immediate vicinity. Membership in the Order of the Amaranth is conditional upon the applicant being a member of the Order of the Eastern Star in good standing or a Master Mason.
Charity is a capstone of the Order, through which a great deal of good can be accomplished when exercised for the good of humanity. The Order aims to impress upon all who unite with it, the duty we owe to one another, to encourage them to be a means of doing good, to live contentedly with their fellow beings, to possess a forgiving spirit, and to exercise their influence for good over their associates.
The Grand Court of the State of New York has seen fit to appoint Mrs. Emile Linklater District Deputy Grand Royal Matron of this district for the ensuing year.
The Present Officers of Kenmore Court are as follows:
Royal Matron, Mayme B. Titus; Patron, Edward A. Jones; Associate Matron, Lillian McKenneth; Associate Patron, Charles Weidrich; Secretary, Nettie Brown; Treasurer, John F. McKenneth,; Conductress, Mary Brown; Associate Conductress, Edith Wiedrich.
The Kenmore Y. W. C. A. - originally called the Industrial Service Center of Kenmore, came into existence August 29, 1918. Mrs. James Foster of Colonial Circle was the first chairman. Serving with her were Mrs. Darwin D. Martin, chairman of the House and Equipment, Mrs. E. J. Barcalo, chairman of the Industrial Committee, Mrs. William Pennypacker, chairman of Activities, Mrs. Paul Dold, Cafeteria chairman. Miss Carolyn Grimmell was the first executive of the branch. Mrs. Helen G. Wagoner assumed the duties of House Mother and Miss Ruth Fairbairn the duties of Business Secretary. To the above group belongs a tribute for all the difficult work of seeing an organization begun.
The first club night, for employed people was held February 3, 1919 with 85 girls present. Following close on this, the Mothers of the community asked for clubs for the school girls and clubs were formed under Miss Rhoda Harris.
From these beginnings the work has progressed until in 1925 over 100,000 people were served in some way by the Kenmore Y. W. C. A. While the organization was started by Buffalo people, the Kenmore women soon became interested and today the Committee of Management is mostly made up of Kenmore women.
At present the officers are: Chairman of the Branch, Mrs. F. C. Densberger; Vice Chairman, Mrs. E. R. Griffiths; Secretary, Mrs. Oliver MacLean; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Clarence Miller.
As the work has grown, additional people have been added to the staff as follows: Executive, Lucia P. Davenport; Business Girls Secretary, Blanche Knowles; Industrial Girls Secretary, Lillian Freund; Girl Reserve Secretary, Olive Degan; Cafeteria Secretary, Hazel Kidder; House Secretary, (Mrs.) Jennie E. Rader; Office Secretary, Lillian K. Buckley.
On April 23rd, 1923 nineteen business men of Kenmore met at Neustadter's dry goods store and organized under the name of the "Kenmore Retail Merchants Association." Its aims and objects were to protect and advance the business and civic interests of the village of Kenmore, foster a spirit of commercial harmony and establish a bureau of credit information for the benefit of its members. Henry J. Ebling was unanimously chosen for President; Robert K. House, Vice President; Vern F. Palmer, Treasurer; Katherine B. Pinch, Secretary. Directors: Ray E. Clark, George J. Schlehr, C. R. Schickluna, John H. Durkin and Harrison H. Bury. Since organization the association has increased its membership to ninety members. It has aided by united effort all public enterprises of merit. A contest was held in 1925 for the purpose of adopting a slogan to be used on stationery and advertising matter. The first prize was won by Henry A. Engel, 277 Parkwood Avenue who submitted, "Kenmore's Made of Kenmore's Trade," which was adopted by the association. Other slogans were submitted as follows: "Buy More, Boost More, Kenmore," by Arthur S. Hood, 127 Wardman Road and "Trade in Kenmore," by John Blankheit, 183 Tremaine Avenue. The organization incorporated in February, 1926 under the name of the Kenmore Merchants Association. F. F. Barber was chosen as President for 1926. The regular meeting of the association is held on the third Monday evening of each month.
"Service Above Self - He Profits Most Who Serves Best"
Charter granted by Rotary International was No. 1701, organized on March 31, 1924, by George C. Diehl, special representative of Andy Wallace of St. Catharines, Ontario, District Governor of the 27th District of Rotary International.
Officers: President, Frank C. Moore; Vice President, Edward A. Jones; Secretary, Benjamin A. Keeney; Treasurer, Edward H. Boehringer; Sergeant-at-Arms, Vernon Eager.
Directors: Frank C. Moore, Vernon Eager, J. Fred Moore, Benjamin A. Keeney, Frank C. Densberger, Edward H. Boehringer, Edward A. Jones, Henry J. Ebling, Elmer L. Sleeper.
Charter Members: Frank C. Moore, Elmer L. Sleeper, Benjamin A. Keeney, Edward H. Boehringer, Edward A. Jones, Joseph B. Mang, Harrison H. Bury, James J. Donovan, Henry J. Ebling, A. L. Brainard, Robert Zimmerman, Vernon Eager, L. P. A. Eberhardt, Frank C. Densberger, J. Fred Moore, Eugene R. Linklater, Robert K. House, Ray E. Clark, William Harper, Louis Neustadter, John Richelsen, George J. Schlehr, Willis H. Hall.
Officers and Directors for the year 1925 - 1926: President, Dr. Clayton C. Morehouse; Vice President, Edwin R. Ashbery; Secretary, William Harper; Treasurer, Edward H. Boehringer; Sergeant-at-Arms, William F, Beier. Directors: Benjamin A. Keeney, Arthur P. H. Saul, Floyd Barber, Henry J. Ebling, Vernon Eager.
Meets every Monday at 12:15 P. M. at the Kenmore Y. W. C. A.
The Rotary Code of Ethics
My business standards shall have in them a note of sympathy for our common humanity. My business dealings, ambitions and relations shall always cause me to take into consideration my highest duties as a member of society. In every position in business life, in every responsibility that comes before me, my chief thought shall be to fill that responsibility and discharge that duty so that, when I have ended both of them, I shall have lifted the level of human ideals and achievements a little higher than I found it.
Meets First and Third Thursday night each month, Odd Fellows Temple; organized December 7th, 1921.
First Officers: Harold V. Cook, President; Eugene F. Stoddard, Vice President; Floyd J. Hurlburt, Secretary; Joseph M. Ward, Treasurer.
Purpose: The purpose of the association is to promote the common welfare, through social and business intercourse among its members, and to do all manner of things which are lawful and proper.
Present Officers: Willis H. Elliott, President; W. H. Finch, Vice President; Henry F. Trout, Treasurer; Stewart W. Jordan, Secretary; Chester W. Yount, Assistant Secretary.
On December 2nd, 1925, a group of fifteen women met with Mrs. George M. Oppermann at her home No. 2851 Delaware Avenue to consider the organization of a Zonta Club. Marion DeForest, past president of the confederation of Zonta Clubs, and Louise Gerry, president of the Buffalo Zonta Club were present and gave valuable assistance.
The Zonta Club of Kenmore was organized and received its charter on February 1st, 1926. The following officers were elected: Katherine Busch, President; Mary Connolly, First Vice President; Mabel Moore, Second Vice President; J. Aurelia Oppermann, Secretary; Mavis Todd, Treasurer. There were fifteen charter members. As a worthy aim and incentive to the club it assumed the work of assisting a young woman through college. Meetings are held monthly in the Y. W. C. A.
The board of directors is composed of the following women: Katherine Busch, Mary Connolly, Mavis Todd, Mabel Moore, Violet Osborne, Hettie Brosart, Lucia Davenport, J. Aurelia Oppermann.
The Kenmore Branch of the Erie County League of Women Voters was organized in May 1925. Its initial membership consisted of fifty-five women. Mrs. Harold V. Cook was its first chairman. The officers for 1926 are: Mrs. Bruce Silverthorne, Chairman; Mrs. Carlisle Cherry, Assistant Chairman; Mrs. Matthew W. Hauser, Secretary; Mrs. Sidney C. Murray, Treasurer.
The membership of the League is now one hundred and fifty-nine. Its meetings are held once in each month and are open to the public. At these meetings questions of civic importance are debated.
The purpose of the organization is to teach women to vote intelligently and to use their own observations and judgment in their right of franchisement. The organization is nonpartisan and both sides of every question debated are heard.
Mrs. Margaret G. Tuttle, Superintendent.
Object: To establish and maintain a home for incurables and chronic invalids and to provide wheel chairs for invalids among the worthy poor.
History: (1) Organized Wheel Chair Guild, May 1, 1910, for purpose of loaning Wheel Chairs to invalids and shut-ins among the poor of Buffalo.
(2) Opened our first Home for Chronic Invalids September 1, 1911, at 93 Seventh Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
(3) Moved to 344 Hudson Street, May 1, 1912.
(4) In June 1913, changed name Wheel Chair Guild to Wheel Chair Home for Incurables.
(5) Incorporated March, 1915.
(6) Moved into its own building, corner Delaware and Kenmore Avenues May 1, 1916.
(7) Moved into new addition to same building July 15, 1923.
(8) Incurables and Chronic invalids cared for.
(9) No salaried officers.
Originally it was an organization with active members paying three dollars annually and associate members one dollar a year for dues. Donations from public-spirited citizens, sales, bazaars, parties, etc., given by the women to raise funds, and whatever sum the incoming patients could contribute toward their support, maintained the Home until it joined the Joint Charities in 1919, from which it now receives most of its operating expenses.
Success has attended this enterprise from the first. Twelve years ago last September was the humble beginning. Soon an eleven room house on Hudson Street was taken. In May 1916, it moved into its present quarters, to which a large addition was just completed last summer. It can now accommodate forty-five patients and has a waiting list all of the time.
The American Legion was born in Paris, March, 1919, as the result of the spontaneous demand of all veterans for some expression in peace of those ideals for which they fought in the World War.
The boys who represented the Town of Tonawanda and Village of Kenmore, started to realize this ideal in June, receiving their temporary charter in August. Forty signed the application and received the designation of Post No. 205.
Its name honors Milton J. Brounshidle, who was killed in action during the "Argonne Drive."
Post meetings were held for a number of years in the Village Hall until 1923, when the Odd Fellow's hall was secured for combined use of the Post and its newly-formed Auxiliary Unit, composed of the mothers, wives, widows and sisters of Legion members. The Post is now so large that these quarters are too small, and some means must be found to house its activities properly.
The Post has had a representative on the Executive Committee of the Erie County Committee ever since that body was formed in 1920. It also elected a member of the Post as Vice-Commander, who later became Commander of the County.
Officers: Leonard G. Sipperley, Commander; Miner Wildey, First Vice-Commander; Frank McCadden, Second Vice-Commander; Karl Franklin, Third Vice-Commander; Irwin Brounshidle, Finance Officer; Richard Holbrook, Adjutant; Charles MacDonald, Sergeant-at-Arms; Frank C. Moore, Post Attorney; Henry A. Brown, Post Historian; Richard Holbrook, Robert House, Delegates; William Burlingame, Lewis Blackley, Alternates.
Executive Committee: Robert K. House, Earl Butler, Henry A. Brown, Lewis E. Blackley, William T. Burlingame, Fred S. Mathewson, Adelbert Dove.
Officers: Mrs. W. H. Round, President; Mrs. L. E. Faux, First Vice-President; Mrs. O. C. Keener, Second Vice-President; Mrs. George Diebold, Secretary; Mrs. Thomas Prior, Treasurer; Mrs. Arthur Burke, Sergeant-at-Arms; Mrs. John Hawk, Chaplain; Mrs. Edward Courtney, Historian.
Executive Committee: Mrs. Henry Brown, Mrs. Clarence Yochum, Mrs. Roy McQuillan.
Delegates to County Committee: Mrs. Round, Mrs. Faux, Mrs. Diebold, Mrs. Burlingame.
The organization of the Kenmore Fire Department was first proposed by the Business Men's Association of Kenmore in the spring of 1893. The little village of a few houses having laid some water pipes, and desiring to be independent of Buffalo, called a meeting in the Sunday school room of the Presbyterian Church, on May 19th, at which the fire department was organized. Myron A. Phelps was elected president; James R. Barker, Vice-President; Edward H. Moffett, Secretary; George H. Meyer, George A. Besch, D. A. Phelps Trustees. The first chief was Frank C. Stillwell and George F. Striker, assistant. All the able bodied men of the village joined the department, one of the attractions being that members were not required to pay the poll tax.
In July, 1893, the Delaware Hose Company was organized by the men of the south Kenmore-Buffalo section. Freelon Hunter was chosen first president. The men of the north end of the village formed the Alert Hose Company with John I. Keller as president. In 1905 the old companies being kept up with difficulty and a truck being needed, a Hook and Ladder company with men from both hose companies was organized and later a Chemical Company was formed. In 1919 motor apparatus took the place of old hand carts. The Chemical Company disbanded and the Delaware Hose Company, and the "Hooks" were merged into the Delaware Hook and Ladder Company. The flag pole on the village green was raised by the department in 1915. In 1919 Ross Mcintosh, a Kenmore fireman, designed the kiosk containing the old fire bell which was dedicated on November 16th, 1919. The department is now well organized and effective; fully equipped with modern apparatus and with ample water supply is able to fight any fire that may occur. The department also keeps alive the community spirit in a serviceable way. The department was the host for the annual convention of the Western New York Volunteer Firemen's Association in July, 1926, which brought forty companies and four hundred delegates.
Alert Hose Company: Walter Ducker, Henry Schunk, Roscoe L. Rosser, Louis E. DeCourlander.
Delaware Hook and Ladder Company: Frank V. Schultz, Bruce F. Miller, Charles Weiss.
Ladies Auxiliary: President, Mrs. F. V. Schultz; Vice President, Mrs. Charles Weiss; Secretary, Mrs. G. Kirtland; Treasurer, Mrs. F. W. Spear.
Alert Hose Company: President, Raymond Kirsch; Vice President, George Engel; Recording Secretary, Stewart Jordan; Treasurer, Henry Schunk; Financial Secretary, Irwin Brounshidle; Foreman, John Yochum; Assistant Foreman, John Kelley; Chaplain, Dr. L. E. DeCourlander; Historian, F. D. Luke.
Delaware Hook and Ladder Company: President, Charles Weiss; Vice-President, Norbert M. Beiter; Secretary, Ray Schurr; Treasurer, F. V. Schultz; Financial Secretary, William Gall; Chief, Edward W. Huebner; First Assistant, Fred W. Spear; Second Assistant, Ray Kirschner; Foreman, A. J. Burke; Assistant Foreman, R. F. Wunsch.
Kenmore Fire Police: Robert K. House, William T. Burlingame, Oscar C. Keener, Ray Grant, Leonard G. Sipperley, Richard R. Holbrook.
Roster of Chiefs since department was formed: Frank C. Stillwell, George Pirson, William Schmidt, Edward Schmidt, James Begley, George Brennan, Henry Schunk, George Besch, Charles Large, Henry J. Ebling, Milton J. Brounshidle, Louis A. Wiser, Clarence Yochum, John C. Hider, Pierre DeLafranier, Edmund Baloun, Victor F. Moreland, Michael Forster, Frank V. Schultz.
1. Village Board Minutes, August 3rd, 1889 to 1926. 2. Assessment Rolls, 1900 to 1926. 3. Building Permits, January 1st, 1907 to 1926. 4. Correspondence, August 3rd, 1889 to 1926. 5. Erroneous Tax Petitions. 6. Real Property Searches, Deeds, Actions. 7. Attorney's Opinions and Reports of Officers. 8. Approved Building Petitions. 9. Audited Vouchers. 10. Contracts. 11. Agreements. 12. Deeds. 13. Proposals. 14. Specifications. 15. Legal Actions. 16. Plumbers Bonds. 17. Bonds of Officials. 18. Insurance Policies. 19. Returned Mail. 20, Contracts. 21. Argeements and Options. 22. Deeds and Searches. 23. Certificates of Nomination. 24. Petitions. 25. Oaths of Office. 26. Election Expenses. 27. Canvass of Elections. 28. Improvements. 29. Bond Proceedings. 30. Compensation Reports. 31. Board of Assessors. 32.
Regular and Special Elections. 33. Superintendent's Weekly Reports. 34, Long and Short Vouchers. 35. Blue Prints. 36. Maps and Surveys.
L. P. A. Eberhardt
Probably next to location, as to approach from Buffalo and strategic position on the Niagara Frontier, the real estate companies played the next important part in advancing the development of Kenmore.
The pioneer in this line was L. P. A. Eberhardt, fondly known as "Daddy" Eberhardt of Kenmore. Mr. Eberhardt started in business in 1884 sub-dividing the Leonard Farm of forty acres which tract is now Hinman and Ramsdell Avenues on the Buffalo side of the line. In 1896 he had associated with him Philip Walters and developed the Villa Avenue section. Later on the Ruff Farm of forty-five acres in the Elmwood Avenue section, including Hoover and Keller Avenues, was developed. Eberhardt & Sanborn were associated in 18921896 and developed the Isadore Mang and Fred Mang tract on the south-west corner of Delaware and Kenmore Avenues and the Ackerman Farm of seventy-four acres on the southeast corner of Delaware and Kenmore Avenues. In all Mr. Eberhardt improved eighty-four different tracts of land and is the oldest and largest dealer of real estate in Kenmore and is still actively engaged in the business. Much time, hard work, and money was spent in the early days to make Kenmore presentable and habitable. The real estate men were eager to improve the looks of the new village. There were many unsightly barns and sheds to be removed and unsanitary ditches to be drained. Objections were raised by the owners of barns at having these old landmarks torn down. One such building located near the Lackawanna Railway was in the way of progress. All pleas to remove it fell on deaf ears, but at last Providence (?) came to the aid of the real estate men - the barn burned down. Ugly and offensive ditches were drained by the forward looking men. Dead and straggly trees were cut down and the landscape beautified. In this task all the new settlers took part, being anxious to make Kenmore attractive.
Jacob B. Rickert
Jacob B. Rickert was born at Manheim, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada. He came to the United States in 1890 and located in the newly settled village of Kenmore. He helped to construct the brown stone houses of L. P. A. Eberhardt, and Fred B. Eberhardt in Delaware Avenue in 1893-1894. Later he engaged in general contracting business building homes for the early settlers in Kenmore. Mrs. Hannah E. Rickert, his wife, became a resident in Kenmore in 1891 and resides at 27 LaSalle Avenue, being one of the few remaining pioneers who have witnessed the wonderful growth of the village. Mr. Rickert continued in the building business until 1914 and claimed the distinction of building four out of every five houses in Kenmore up to that time. In 1914 he formed the Hall-Rickert Co., Inc., with Mr. S. C. Hall and carried on home building on a large scale in the Hertel Avenue section of Buffalo, until the time of his death which occurred February 12, 1916. Like all the original settlers in Kenmore, Mr. Rickert was interested in everything that helped to make Kenmore an ideal community. He was one of the organizers of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Kenmore.
Clare L. Rickert, 2959 Delaware Avenue Clare L. Rickert, son of Jacob B. Rickert, worked as a carpenter for the Hall-Rickert Co., Inc., and took over the construction work of the company at the death of his father until the fall of 1916 at which time he went into business for himself, building and selling homes exclusively in Kenmore. In 1917 he combined with Eugene F. Stoddard, forming what was known as the Stoddard-Rickert Co., and built houses in Linden Avenue until entering the U. S. Service in the World War November 21st, 1917. He served eighteen months. After returning from the war Mr. Rickert sold his interest in the company to Stoddard and Quin, Frederick J. Quin having become a member of the firm of Stoddard-Rickert Co. In July 1919 Mr. Rickert formed the Rickert Building Co., Inc., with Charles W. Hall. In 1921 he bought out Mr. Hall's interest and formed the Rickert Building Co., Inc., 2959 Delaware Avenue, where he carries on a general business of building, real estate, and insurance. Like his father Mr. Rickert believes in the future of Kenmore and is placing all his investments in and near the village and shows a lively interest in everything that relates to the development of the coming city of 25,000 population which he believes will be the Kenmore of 1936.
Myron A. Phelps
Mr. M. A. Phelps, the first President of the Village of Kenmore, was one of the first to engage in real estate dealing in Kenmore, also to superintend the erection of houses. Under the title of "The Kenmore and Villa Avenue Land Company," and "Messrs. Phelps & Barrus," and as general agent for the "Kenmore and Delaware Avenue Land Company," Mr. Phelps not only sold land and houses, but labored with heart and hand to establish and build up the new suburb of Buffalo. He was respected and honored throughout the county and state. His work and influence for the good of the community still abides. Large & Hider National Bank Building, Delaware and Lincoln
Charles Large, under the firm name of Large & Company (Charles Large and William Rowland) was among the first in contracting and building in Kenmore on an extensive scale. Among the residences built by this firm are the E. B. Olmstead of Eugene Avenue, in old colonial style; the substantial George V. Eberhardt house 2768 Delaware Avenue, now occupied by Henry A. Brown; the handsome brick residence of Willis H. Hall, 84 Tremaine Avenue, also the fine homes of Harold V. Cook, 57 East Girard Boulevard, Richard W. Werner, 94 Delaware Road and many others including several in Deerhurst Park. Among the public buildings and mercantile blocks built by this firm are the Washington Grammar School (1910) which was the original High School. The Odd Fellows Temple (1914), the Ebling Hardware block, and the rectory of Saint Paul's Church.
Under the firm name of Large & Hider (Charles Large and John C. Hider) the Y. W. C. A. Cafeteria was built in 1918. More recently some of the notable public buildings erected are the Presbyterian Church, the National Bank, the Masonic Temple, and the Rosing block, Delaware and Euclid, (1926) which important site was occupied for many years by some of the landmarks of early Kenmore.
Rowland Corporation, 23 East Hazeltine Avenue
This firm of general contractors and masonry work is among the oldest and leading builders in Kenmore. William Rowland was formerly associated with Charles Large, as Large & Company and until 1918 shared in the operations of that firm. Since that date the corporation built the State Bank of Kenmore, the Kenmore Theatre Block, and the Szur Shoe Shop No. 9 Mang Avenue. The corporation has built twenty-five substantial houses in different parts of the village.
Kinsey Realty Company
A branch office of this company is located at 2830 Delaware Avenue. Mr. Kinsey Sr. co-operated with L. P. A. Eberhardt in the realty business in Kenmore's earliest history. The present company operated in Kenmore on February 7th, 1907. Kinsey Avenue was the first street developed from Elmwood to Delaware Avenue. The Kenmore Estates development included Somerton Avenue, West Girard Boulevard, North End, Palmer, and Stillwell Avenues. The company has built 150 houses in the village including many on West Hazeltine and Tremaine Avenues. In the town of Tonawanda subdivisions include Colvin Avenue, Sheridan Drive and Eggertsville Road.
Louis J. Eisenberger
Louis J. Eisenberger, building contractor, 58 Tremaine Avenue, began building in Kenmore in March, 1914, finishing four houses in Knowlton Avenue. In 1915 he moved into the village and since that time has built 160 houses in various parts of the village. He finished the interior wood work in both the State Bank of Kenmore and the First National Bank.
Boehringer Homes, Edward H. Boehringer and Clarence C. Boehringer, No. 2955 Delaware Avenue
In March 1922 under the firm name of Hall & Boehringer, a number of houses were built on Mang Avenue and twenty houses on Lincoln Boulevard. At this time the office was located the farthest north of any of the real estate and building offices, leading the way in development on Delaware Avenue. The present company since 1923 has built forty or more homes on both sides of Hazeltine and Tremaine Avenues, in the Elmwood Avenue section which is rapidly expanding as a business and residential district. .
Ebert & Ebert No. 44 Columbia Road ^"T
This company commenced building operations in Kenmore in 1922 and has made a remarkable record in the erection of fine residences. Twenty-five houses on Columbia Road; fourteen on Lincoln Boulevard; fifteen on Mang Avenue; two on Victoria Boulevard and others in the north Delaware section. All these high class homes found ready sale as soon as or before completed.
F. S. Sipperley & Son No. 2827 Delaware Avenue
Under this firm name Mr. Sipperley, one of the older and well known residents, began selling real estate and insurance in April, 1922. Many lots were sold for the Kenmore-Hoover Land Co., and the Kenmore Woodward Co., which helped to improve the large tract west of Elmwood Avenue. This firm is also sub-dividing sixty-nine acres in the Colvin Avenue, Ellicott Road section, which is rapidly being taken up as a residential section. The new Colvin Avenue subway makes easy access from Buffalo, and Kenmore and parallels Delaware Avenue and Main Street in the trend to the east and north.
Tolsma Brothers Real Estate, No. 2938 Delaware Avenue This company began business in Kenmore in August, 1922. Many sites for modern homes were sold on Westgate Avenue, which had such a remarkable development in 1925. Many home sites were sold on Wardman Road, Hamilton Boulevard, Delwood and Kenwood Roads. The company is now operating on Sheridan Drive and in various parts of the village and township of Tonawanda.
Chambers Realty Company, No. 2980 Delaware Avenue This company's branch office was opened in Kenmore in 1924. Besides building several modern homes in Nassau Avenue and other parts of the village and offering business opportunities in Kenmore, the company is developing Park View in the township of Tonawanda facing the new town park - Sheridan Park - located on Sheridan Drive and the Two Mile Creek Road. This section is easy of access and is bound to become a popular suburban residential district famous already for its beauty.
G. F. Wallace Co., Inc., No. 2854 Delaware Avenue
This firm is developing the Delaware Meadows tract on Schell Road east of Delaware Avenue, which runs to Eggertsville Road. It also has subdivisions in Sheridan Meadows and Sheridan Drive. This famous drive extends across the township of Tonawanda from east to west connecting the Niagara Falls Boulevard with the Niagara River. A wonderful boulevard, electrically lighted, traversing a beautiful stretch of country very attractive to home finders. The company began business in Kenmore in 1924 and has sold hundreds of homesites.
Hall & Turner, No. 2943 Delaware Avenue
Charles W. Hall was associated with Clare L. Rickert previous to forming a partnership with Leslie F. Turner, May 1st, 1925. The firm built up the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Delaware and Eugene Avenues, and on the south side between Eugene and Elmwood Avenues. Four residences on Victoria Boulevard and twenty homes on Mayville Avenue, north of the village line and in the Elmwood Avenue section have been built.
Greater Buffalo Building Company
Among the newest homes in Kenmore are those of the Greater Buffalo Building Company which is building 150 houses on Westgate Road and Wabash Avenue between Elmwood and Wilbur Avenues, which district is rapidly filling up. These are all of high standards and materials with all conveniences and comforts. Some are of the Dutch Colonial type built of brick. Office, Elmwood and Wabash Avenues. Deerhurst Park, E. W. Rogers, 357 Delaware Road.
Just outside the village limits on the north, and on the east side of old Delaware Road is situated a purely residential section where street traffic cannot disturb the residents. Here only a short time ago stood an old landmark, the Atkinson farm house and barns, which gave a quaint and rural aspect to the locality. Now there are new driveways, shrubbery, ornamental stone fences, unique designed homes set in open spaces making one think of English rural districts. In a few years this will be one of the beauty spots of Kenmore. Laid out in the spring of 1924 there are already about twenty residences and others being built.
Henel Brothers, Englewood Avenue
This company began building operations in 1920 and up to this time has built seventy-five houses in various parts of the village. Many of these are in Westgate Avenue between Delaware and Eugene Avenues. The Henel Brothers have been long time residents of the town of Tonawanda and are also milk dealers.
Murray Inc., Home Finders, 2860 Delaware Avenue
Frank I. Murray, president of the company came to Kenmore in 1915 as a resident, and opened an office at the corner of Parkside and Hertel Avenues, Buffalo. From that office he helped to develop North Park, Colvin Park, and Park Gardens, also selling a good many homes in Kenmore. The title "Home Finder" was well earned and not an empty ostentation. On October 1st, 1924, the offices of the company were moved to 2860 Delaware Avenue, Kenmore, from which location Mr. Murray has had a large part in developing Lincoln, Victoria and Courier Boulevards. Besides real estate the company does a general brokerage and insurance business in all its branches.
Other contractors and builders are: Clark & Landers, Clarence Kibby, Charles W. Hughes, Thomas H. & Arthur R. Blair, Edward Bernd, Benjamin A. Keeney, Fred S. Matthewson, DeVer W. Northrup, Charles G. Ott, Henry C. Premus, Stoddard & Quin, George Voas, Fred Lowitzer, and many others listed in the Kenmore Official Directory.
Building in the village of Kenmore is showing great activity. There are restricted sections where private homes are selling within the reach of the average working man. Kenmore is a small city of home owners.
Matthew D. Young. Supervisor; Roscoe L. Rosser, Town Clerk; Carlisle Cherry, Edward A. Jones, Robert Zimmerman, Samuel Seitz, Justices of the Peace; Henry DeWitt, Highway Superintendent.
Elmer Mang, Chief of Police; Fred T. Hall, Building and Plumbing Superintendent; Alfred Evans, Public Works Superintendent; Charles L. Lowell, Tax Receiver; Frank C. Moore, Attorney; George C. Diehl, Engineer.
Erie County was erected by an act of legislation on the 2nd day of April 1821, comprising all the territory of the old county (Niagara) lying south of the middle of Tonawanda Creek. The Town of Tonawanda was set off from the town of Buffalo on the 16th day of April 1836, and included the present township and Grand Island. Grand Island was formed into a separate town by the board of supervisors of Erie County in October, 1852. The town of Tonawanda contains about twenty-two square miles in Township 12, Range 8, Holland Land Company's survey.
The first town meeting was held in the spring of 1837, when the following officers were elected: William Williams, Supervisor; T. W. Williams, Town Clerk; John T. Bush, Daniel Smith and Mr. Forsdyck, Justices of the Peace; James Carney and Jeremiah Phalin, Assessors; William Best and John Simson, Commissioners of Highways.
J. B. Zimmerman a leading citizen of Kenmore was the supervisor from 1888 to 1894. He died May 18th, 1894.
Among the prominent and active residents of the town from 1836 and later were David R. Failing, Frederick Landel, Frederick Pfanner, Philip Pirson, Levi Zimmerman, J. B. Zimmerman, Martin J. Zimmerman and others whose descendants are still active and reside in the township.
Conspicuous among the farms sub-divided for building purposes in the township is the Zimmerman property on Delaware Road in location unsurpassed. The Zimmerman family have been prominently associated with affairs both in the township and village of Kenmore for more than a hundred years. A deed dated June 18th, 1813, was displayed in a Kenmore real estate office in the spring of 1926 attesting this fact and excited much curiosity. The following article from a recent issue of the Buffalo Courier gives an account of this property.
The property which comprises 110 acres was conveyed to Adam Zimmerman on June 18, 1813, and recorded in the office of the clerk of Niagara county, of which Erie county was then a part, in 1813. The property was deeded by Wilhelm Willink, Hendrick Vollenhoven, Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck, Wilhem Willink, the younger; Jan Willink, the younger; Jan Gabriel Vanslaphorst, Cornells Vollenhoven, Hendrick Seye, all of the city of Amsterdam, in the republic of Batavia, Holland, through their attorney, Joseph Ellicott of Buffalo, whose signature was witnessed by David Goodwin and James W. Stevens.
The Zimmermans came to Buffalo from the Mohawk valley by ox cart in 1794, about 150 years after the original Zimmermans immigrated from Holland. About the time the Zimmermans arrived in western New York the Holland Land Company purchased from the Indians their rights pursuant to a treaty which was made with representatives of the United States government.
Adam Zimmerman, to whom the property known today as Kinsey's Delaware Terrace East was deeded, was a man of considerable note and had quite a reputation for keeping the Indians straight. He became familiar with their language and ofttimes acted as interpreter for the Seneca nation of Indians.
By the terms of Adam Zimmerman's will the property was left to his son, William A. Zimmerman, who was survived by the following children: Robert M. Zimmerman and Margaret Zimmerman, who hold title to the property today; and the late Hamilton, Oliver and Ida M. Zimmerman.
The first gas wells on the property were drilled by Oliver Zimmerman about ten years ago, and today natural gas wells on this property supply many of the factories and homes in the town of Tonawanda.
Just a few years previous to the time Kinsey's Delaware Terrace was deeded to Adam Zimmerman a sale was made by taking some of the soil and handing it to the purchaser. If the soil was accepted by the purchaser, the sale was completed. Another form was to pick up a twig from the ground. The seller would take hold of one end and the purchaser would take hold of the other, break the twig and create a contract of sale.
As time drew on, evidence of ownership was reduced to writing and the heading on all deeds read "This Indenture." The deed was torn or cut apart in a zigzag manner and one part given to the purchaser while the other was retained by the seller. In case of a dispute, ownership was proven by matching the two pieces.
The Adam Zimmerman deed was one of the first legal papers to be recorded in the county clerk's office. The description reads:
"All That Certain Tract of Land, situate, lying and being in the County of Niagara in the State of New York, Being part or parcel of a certain township which on a map or survey or divers tracts or townships of land of the said parties of the first part, made for the proprietors by Joseph Ellicott, Surveyor, is distinguished by Township Number Twelve in the Eighth Range of said Townships and which said tract of land on a certain other map or survey of said Townships into lots, made for the said proprietors, .by the said Joseph Ellicott, is distinguished by part of the Lot Number thirty-four in said Township. Bounded east by part of Lot No. twenty-nine, thirteen chains, seventy-six links, south by Land conveyed to Peter Zimmerman by Deed of this date, seventy-nine chains, twenty-one links, southwesterly by a road one chain, fifty links wide, thirteen chains, eighty-one links, and north by a line parallel with the north bounds of said land conveyed to Peter Zimmerman, eighty chains, seventy-one links, containing 110 acres, be the same more or less according to the plan laid down in the margin hereof."
The township of Tonawanda situate between the southerly boundary of the city of Tonawanda and the northerly boundary of the city of Buffalo, out of which the village of Kenmore has been taken) is one of the richest townships of its size in the state. The large and prosperous industrial plants along the Niagara river and Military Road account largely for this fact. During the last fifteen or twenty years the old farms have been sub-divided into building lots and are rapidly becoming beautiful homesites. New boulevards and avenues are built where once the cattle grazed. The beautiful spreading elm trees that once marked the line fences between the farms still grace the landscape. Through and across the town run the new driveways Elmwood Avenue, Delaware Avenue, Colvin Boulevard (the proposed Parker Boulevard to cost $300,000, to connect Kenmore Avenue with Ellicott Creek Road) Kenmore Avenue, (which is to be widened and made a Boulevard connecting Main Street, Buffalo, with the Niagara River) Sheridan Drive, and other cross town roads make all this section accessible to the motorist, and the advantage is taken by thousands of Buffalo and Niagara Falls people. Sightseeing motor buses are to traverse all this beautiful country. The Tonawanda Town Park on Sheridan Drive and Two Mile Creek will add elegancy with pleasure to the township. Town Engineer Diehl has prepared a comprehensive plan of house numbering for all the streets of the township by which householders can secure a correct house number, a very convenient and progressive step. Only a few farms remain under cultivation, and these will soon give place to town lots. With the passing of the older residents, who were the pioneers in the development of township, will also pass from recollection the names of the old farms. It will be necessary to consult the original maps to identify location and name.
The town of Tonawanda has been extremely fortunate in its choice of Supervisors from its earliest history. By close personal attention to the vital interests of the town and a progressive spirit they have kept pace with the growth of western New York during the past one hundred years and have brought the township to an enviable position in finance and modern improvement.
The list of Supervisors since the village of Kenmore was incorporated within its limits is as follows:
John K. Patton was the Supervisor of the town of Tonawanda when the village of Kenmore was incorporated in 1889, and John C. Webb, Town Clerk. Mr. Patton held the office for eight years 1892 - 1899 and issued the notices from his office relative to the incorporation of the village. His services were indispensable in helping the infant municipality to stand on its feet, and take the first steps toward greatness.
James Huff was the next incumbent and served for four years 1900 - 1903. Mr. Huff also gave the village great aid in its early corporate life. He worked harmoniously with the village board in its relation with the town board, foreseeing that the welfare of both town and village were inseparably related.
Lauren H. Hollister held the office of Supervisor eight years 1904 - 1911. He saw the town growing with the village in importance during his administration, which was so satisfactory that he was chosen by his townsmen as their leader for four consecutive terms. The industrial features along the frontier began to assume proportions which gave promise of the present extent.
Dr. Robert A. Toms well known to many of the present population both of the town and village was the Supervisor for six years 1912 - 1917. During his three two-year terms the rapid development of the township and increasing official duties were very noticeable. Political affairs were very exciting during this period as a consequence. The exacting demands and different view points of the inhabitants made his tenure of office uncertain, but with those associated with him in the management of town affairs, progress and economy were achieved.
Arthur R. Atkinson the present County Clerk of Erie County who was inducted into that important office on January 1st, 1922, is a "native son" in every sense of the word. He was born on the old Atkinson Farm where now is situated the beautiful and growing Deerhurst Park. The old farm house was a landmark for many years and the scene of many jovial meetings enjoyed by the people of Delaware Road, before the present Delaware Avenue was built. He grew up in intimate acquaintance with the township and its people, also with the village of Kenmore and its vital affairs. He was the popular village president during 1919 - 1921 which office he relinquished to assume his present duties. Mr. Atkinson was the Supervisor for two terms 1918 - 1921 and gave such an effective and popular administration as to attract attention in the County Board of Supervisors which resulted in his nomination and election by a flattering majority as County Clerk. Mr. Atkinson is an ardent Republican and was the first official elected by his friends and neighbors on a local Republican straight ticket in Kenmore.
J. Fred Moore was the winner in a lively campaign for the office of Supervisor in the fall of 1921 and filled the office for two terms 1922 - 1925. It was during his administration that the more recent and unprecedented development in the township took place. His able and conscientious service for the town, and on the County Board of Supervisors won recognition in his appointment to many important committees. The interests of both town and village always received his close personal attention and untiring effort. The State authorities gave him unstinted praise for accuracy in his accounts at the close of his administration. The bronze tablet on the pedestal of the Sheridan Monument will always associate his name with the construction of that famous driveway. On the completion of his term of office Mr. Moore with his wife took an extended trip to California, Panama Canal Zone and South America. Mr. Moore recently purchased the brick block at the corner of Delaware and Warren Avenues and remodeled it for mercantile and office purposes.
Matthew D. Young who served the village of Kenmore as its President during 1912 - 1919 with great acceptability was elected to the office of Supervisor of the town of Tonawanda in the fall of 1925 and assumed office on January 1st, 1926. His popularity was attested in a hard fought campaign. His business-like methods, careful and painstaking inquiry into all that relates to the welfare of the citizens is recognized by everyone. The township will receive the same watchful care in all matters affecting its growth and prosperity that characterized his village administration. The present and wonderful expansion of the town which is rapidly assuming the appearance of a continuous village from north to south, and east to west calls for intense concentration of thought, wise action, and precise financial calculation. These things Mr. Young is in every way capable of giving.
Among the industrial plants and manufacturing companies on the River Road and Military Road there are the Wickwire Spencer Steel Company; Semet Solvay Company; Acheson Graphite Company; Buffalo Electric Chemical Company; Dunlop Tire & Rubber Company; Dupont-Rayon Company; Farrel Foundry & Machine Company; Excelsior Steel Ball Company; Flexlume Corporation; Wood & Brooks Company; Fowler Nail Company; Rice & Adams Corporation; Eastern States Manufacturing Company; Beaver Products Company; Jewett Stove Company; Lovering & Brother Company; J. H. Williams Company.
It is very probable that with the present activities on the immediate Niagara Frontier, the proposed railroad bridge across the Niagara River at Grand Island, and the settlement of the new Avenues and Boulevards already constructed the township of Tonawanda will have a population of fifty thousand people by the year 1950. This will be true in any event, whether the township remains in its present political division, becomes a part of the City of Kenmore, or becomes a part of the Greater Buffalo municipality.
Just east of Delaware Avenue on Sheridan Drive is a pedestal made of Woodbury, Vt., granite, erected to commemorate the construction of that already celebrated driveway. The pedestal is soon to be surmounted with an equestrian statue of General Phil Sheridan. The monument has the following dimensions in length, height, and width. Base 14 x 7-6 x 1-6; second base, 11-4 x 5-0 x 1-2; die, 10-2 x 3-8 x 4-10; cap, 12-0 x 5.4 X 1-6. On either side of the pedestal is a bronze plate bearing the following inscription:
Constructed for a Greater Niagara Frontier
1923-1925 Dedicated to Improved Highways Transportation
Town Board J. F. Moore, Supervisor Elmer W. Johnson, Town Clerk Edward A. Jones, Justice ^
F. B. Eberhardt, Justice Samuel Seitz, Justice Robert Zimmerman, Justice Fred Ebling, Supt. of Highways George C. Diehl, Engineer"
SOURCE: History of Kenmore Erie County, New York; 1926; Frederick S. Parkhurst, Ph.D. Local Historian