Chapter 06 - Progress and Silver Jubilee
"A Village of Attractive Homes"
CHAPTER SIX Progress and Silver Jubilee
Kenmore's progress in 1924 surpassed any other year since the founding of the village. 787 building permits were issued involving an estimated cost of $3,007,962. Bonds were issued for $150,000 for water extension, and $126,000 for gas mains. Kenmore at this time was one of the most rapidly growing villages in the country. The population touched the 6500 mark. Mail was now received from Hertel Station, Buffalo, and distributed in the village by seven carriers. The demand for a Post Office in Kenmore was revived. The Delaware Avenue motor bus service to Buffalo with an eight minute schedule was started on November 27th. A seven year contract was made between the Village and the Republic Light, Heat, and Power Company for gas supply. Large mains from Tonawanda with feed lines east and west from the Village Hall were laid.
The outstanding event of 1924 was the Silver Jubilee
Celebration commemorating the quarter century from the incorporation of the Village, which took place August 3rd - 9th. Sunday was called "Church Day." Special services were held in all the churches during the morning. In the evening Hon. Daniel A. Reed of Dunkirk, N. Y. addressed a mass meeting in the spacious auditorium of the new High School.
Monday was "Rotary Day" and "Boy Scout Day" and was ushered in with aerial bombs and siren whistle and closed with a fine display of fireworks. A program of sports and events by the Boy Scouts took place in the afternoon. The streets and business places were gaily decorated. Bolton's Band of 35 pieces played every afternoon on the village green and for dancing at the large pavilion corner of Delaware Avenue and Westgate Avenue where now stands the artistic "Circle Building" containing ten stores. Tuesday was "Ladies Day." A luncheon was served under the auspices of the League of Women Voters with a program and noted women speakers from the county and state. Wednesday was "Firemen's Day." A parade in which the several organizations of fire-fighters, with the village apparatus took part, and of which the village has always been justly proud, called forth exclamations of pleasure and rounds of applause. The Village officials and celebration committees took part in the imposing parade. Athletic events occupied the afternoon, dancing and the "Midway" the evening. Thursday, "Children's Day" was marked with a unique event - a "Baby Contest." The first prize was awarded baby William Hutchison the 10 month and one week old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutchison of Kinsey Avenue, weight 20 pounds five ounces, general appearance and health 100%. Kenmore, unlike many older villages in Western New York which have "gone to seed," is blessed with many children, being populated with young married folks owning their own homes. A free Baby Clinic is held every week in the Y. W. C. A. and baby carriages have the right of way on the sidewalks. Friday was given over to the politicians, "Politicians' Day." On such an occasion Kenmore is right at home. A large crowd of people were drawn from all over the county. District Attorney Guy B. Moore, and Hon. James M. Mead, Member of Congress were the speakers of the day.
Saturday, the closing day, brought the celebration to a grand climax. A wonderful pageant "The Past, Present, and Future of Kenmore" in which was featured the history and community spirit with elaborate floats, together with various societies and organizations made a sight well worth the time, effort and money expended.
The celebration drew wide attention to the growth and advantages of Kenmore as a desirable residential section. It was a big success from every standpoint and reflected great credit on the various committees as a reward for their arduous work. "Kenmore, Let's Go" was the slogan. The Village appropriated $1000 for advertising. 20,000 copies of an elaborate and artistic booklet were distributed. Frank C. Moore was the chairman of the general committee; Walter Ducker, vice chairman; J. Fred Moore, finance; A. R. Atkinson, speakers; Clare Rickert, athletics; E. J. W. Baldwin, concessions and Mrs. Jessie E. Webster, chairman ladies' day.
In April, 1924, 225 dwellings were under construction, and 79 families moved into new homes. During the year 348 permits for new dwellings were issued; 263 gas meters were installed. A total of 514 dwellings were completed in 1924.
The assessed valuation of village property was $7,800,000, and in 1925 had increased to $10,000,000. Robert M. Cramer one of Kenmore's pioneer home builders and an active leader in the Good Government party died in Penn Yan, N. Y., June 2nd, 1924. The village budget for 1924 was $137,060.88.
SOURCE: History of Kenmore Erie County, New York; 1926; Frederick S. Parkhurst, Ph.D. Local Historian