Dark, Thomas Jr - Erie County
THOMAS DARK, JR., was deceased June 17, 1905. He was born in England, and was educated in private schools. As he grew to manhood he became connected in business with his father, who in 1857 he accompanied to America, and after the family settled in Buffalo, he was associated in partnership with his father, and brother, George, under the firm name of Thomas Dark & Sons. He ably assisted in carrying on the business until the firm was dissolved in 1890, when he retired from active pursuits.
A man of strong, earnest character, Mr. Dark was unassuming, and wholly free of pretense or display. His deep religious feeling found expression in efficient endeavor in the Master's cause. He was for many years one of the leading members of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, where he was among the most effective workers and teachers in the Sunday School. He was a great Bible student, had a wonderfully minute and comprehensive knowledge of the Scriptures and often met with others for class study. Profoundly conscientious, serious in his outlook on life and of high moral ideals, he was devoted to his business, his family and his church work, and cared little for outside diversions.
Mr. Dark married Julia E. Davies, daughter of Samuel E. Davies, of Rochester N. Y. Their surviving children are: Samuel J., Florence Ella (Mrs. Linus H. Stickles), Maud Mary (Mrs. F. C. Jahraus), George Dark, Mabel, Julia and Grace Dark.
SAMUEL JOHN DARK, of Dark & Co., is sole proprietor of a, contracting concern which is the largest of its kind in this part of the country, and he occupies a place of deserved prominence among Buffalo's representative business men.
Mr. Dark was born in Buffalo, July 21, 1866, being the son of Thomas Dark, Jr. As a boy he attended the public schools of his native city, and in 1880 entered the employ of Thomas Dark & Sons, the firm established by his grandfather. In 1888 he was admitted to partnership, the firm continuing as Thomas Dark & Sons. Prom 1890 to 1900 Samuel J. Dark was practically the manager of the business. The firm existed till 1900, when he bought out the interests of the other partners, Thomas Dark, Sr., and the latter' s sons, George and Thomas, and became sole proprietor of the concern, which is now styled Dark & Co. It does a combined plumbing, sewer contracting and underground construction business, and is the leading enterprise in its field in this part of the State. Since Samuel J. Dark became its proprietor, the business has continued to expand in proportions corresponding with the increased demands of the latter day development of Buffalo.
In 1900 Mr. Dark became equally interested with Charles E. Williams, Pliny B. McNaughton, Frank L. Bapst, and William H. Kinch in the Buffalo Dredging Company, the German Rock Asphalt Company, the Buffalo Expanded Metal Company, and the Continental Engineering & Contracting Company. Mr. Dark is President of the Buffalo Sanitary Company, which has the contract for the collection of ashes and garbage in Buffalo, and for cleaning the streets. He is also a Director in the Babcock Electric Carriage Company, tile Buffalo Automobile Station, and the Buffalo Crucible Casting Company.
Mr. Dark is a 32d degree Mason, being affiliated with Ancient Landmarks Lodge; Adytum Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and Ismailia Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He belongs to the Historical Society, and is a member of the Buffalo, Country, Park, Ellicott and Acacia clubs.
November 11, 1890, Mr. Dark married Margaret A. Wilson, daughter of George H. and Helen C. (Smith) Wilson of Buffalo.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I