Herkimer Memorials
Herkimer Memorials
Fourteen bronze tablets, strung along a distance of forty miles, now commemorate the march of an army that turned the tide of fortune against the British in the American Revolution. The forty miles of historic road thus marked ire those traversed in August, 1777, by General Nicholas Herkimer and his rren, when they went through the Mohswk valley to the relief of Fort Stanvdx, which was being bravely defen led against a force of British, Tories ind Indians by Colonel Peter GansevoDrt, and to prevent the reinforcement of Eurgoyne by the British troops under St. Legar, the loss of which contributec to the defeat of Burgoyne at Saratoga. The fourteen tablets are placed at intervals from the Herkimer homestead, from which the General set out to take command of the relief force, to the site, of Fort Stanwix, which is now the city of Rome, N. Y. In connection with the placing of the memorials a complete nap of the historic march has been prepared by William Pierrepont White, a lawer of Utica, which is reproduced on each one of the tablets. On each also is an inscription, and the fourteen inscriptions, taken together, form a complete though brief description of Herkimer's fortymile march. The ceremonies incident to the unveiling of the tablets were held on June 14.
SOURCE: Vol, I, No 25, June 22, 1912 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry